Page 96 of Love Me Like You Do

She nodded.

Adrenaline burning through his system, he kicked off the covers. “Fuck, Hailey.” His dick was too sensitive to rub, but he gave it a squeeze and got a punch of lust when heat flared in her eyes.

“It’s so big.”

“You really don’t have to flatter me to get me to put-out.” He gave his cock a waggle. “It’s all yours.”

“You sure? Because it was excited long before I got here.”

Embarrassment faded away, and he relaxed into the familiar comfort of her. “And who do you think it was thinking about?”

Her gaze flicked up to his eyes. “Me?”

“Yeah, Hailey, you. Only you.”

Her legs shifted beneath the covers, and she let out a shaky breath.

He gave himself a few long strokes, the flat of his hand swiping over the sensitive head.

“Do you usually use lotion?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

“Yeah, but I don’t have any now because I didn’t want the girls to find it in my nightstand drawer and start asking questions.”

“So, you need some lube.” It wasn’t a question.

Seeing the hunger in her eyes as she watched him tug his dick, desire streamed through him hot and thick. Because he knew where she was going with this. “That’s right. I need your mouth. A few licks, and I should be good to go.”

“Oh, I don’t know.”

The sting of anxiety burned through him. “I didn’t mean… You don’t have to give me a blow job.”

She hitched up on an elbow. “Would you stop being so careful with me?”

“Can I? Because this is new.We’renew, and I don’t know what your boundaries are. I don’t know—”

“Guess what I was going to say, Cole? That I don’t think a few licks will be enough. That once I get you in my mouth, I’m going to lose my mind watching you fuck it. And you want to know what else I was going to say? That you’d better not pull out because you’re worried about coming in my mouth. I want it, Cole. I want you real and raw. I want all of you.”

He snagged an arm around her waist and jerked her closer. “You better be careful what you say to me. I don’t think you get how much I fucking want you.” He burrowed into her neck, breathing her in and gently biting the tendon. Well, maybe not so gently.

“Bullshit.” She scraped the hair off his face, held it in her hand, and gave it a good, hard yank. “You think I don’t see you? All that unleashed energy? You think I don’t see the way you look at me like you want to eat me whole? Like you don’t think you could ever get enough of me?”

He went still.

This is bad.

This is so fucking bad.

She’d stripped him bare, exposed him down to his beating heart.

“You know how I grew up. You know I begged my mom to get a steady job and stop moving me from one school to another. She didn’t listen. She didn’t see me. I have felt invisible my entire life. So, the way you want me? I crave it. You can only go wrong if you don’t show me how much you want me.”

Deep in his soul, Cole heard a crack. A roar in his ears accompanied the flood of lust, desire, and an affection so pure it glistened.

She wrapped an arm around his back, hugging him close. “Give it to me. Smother me in all that want and need.” She pressed her mouth to his ear. “Make love to me like you can’t get enough.”

Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her, aware of her breathy moans and the ankles crossing over his ass, urging him to press against her.

And then he lost conscious thought. He was nothing more than the indescribably soft warmth of her mouth and the urgent tangle of their tongues. He was the grip of her fingers digging into his back and the sway of her hips back and forth over his hard cock.