Page 69 of Love Me Like You Do

“I saw.”

She stared out the window, unseeing. As much as he wanted a window into her mind, he gave her space and focused on getting them to the highway

“All this time, I believed we’d find the right family for them. Tina made me realize we might not. And if we don’t, then I have to adopt them. God, that’s terrifying.”

“Understandably. But again, we’re only one week into this search. It’s possible the PI will find the biological parents. They might have a big, extended family who’d take the girls in. There might even be a couple in Calamity who can’t have kids of their own. We just don’t know.”

“Intellectually, I know you’re right, but emotionally, I’m freaking out because this is the first time I’ve considered the fact that we might not find anyone. And that opens up a million questions. Where will I raise them? What if Abbott’s goes under, and I’m unemployed? I’d want to keep them in Calamity, but what kind of job could I get there?”

“I know you don’t like when I throw money at the situation, but I’ll be helping you with all of it. I can buy you a house in New York or Calamity or wherever you find your next job. I can pay for a nanny so you can work and not worry about bills.”

“The first time you said those things, I was so pissed at you. But now I totally get it. It eases my mind to know we can provide for them. Thank you.” But the skin around her eyes still tightened in worry. “I’m just a mess right now. My mind is all over the place.”

“Sounds like you need to get it out of your body.” He gave her a teasing grin, but he reinforced his seriousness by putting his hand over hers and uncurling her fingers. “Go on. Give it all to me.”

“God, Cole. Does anyone else get to see this side of you?”

“I don’t care about anyone the way I care about you, so I’m guessing no.”

She kissed his cheek, lingering a moment. “You always smell so good.”

“Hailey. I have to drive for two and a half hours. More talking, less distracting.” He turned on his indicator and veered into the far left lane to get on the freeway. They’d agreed to make the five-hour round-trip journey in one day instead of spending the night. Now that they had their routine down, they wanted to put the girls to bed themselves. Cole liked that private time with Paisley.

“You know what’s crazy?”

“What?” He loved talking to her. Couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say.

“One week ago, my life was about going to work, sewing robes, and selling trendy clothes in a SoHo boutique. Now? I can’t wait to get home to those girls.”

He couldn’t believe it, but he felt the same way.

Now that this “family” was scratched off the list, he could focus on the next step: giving the girls the best Christmas of their lives.


Hailey had never beenin love. Sure, she’d dated, but she’d never felt that spark, that attraction…that inability to keep her hands to herself.

She felt all of it with Cole. The other morning, she’d awakened with his arm wrapped snuggly around her waist, and her leg hitched over his thigh. She’d never felt safer or more cared for. Her whole life, she’d had to look out for herself. She’d never realized how scared and alone she’d felt until she’d found a partner in Cole.

Tonight, she was alone in her bed while he took care of Paisley. She wouldn’t intrude on their time together, but would he come to her later? Should she go to him? It wasn’t like they were a couple. They weren’t having sex, so there wasn’t an expectation.

She wanted to. She just didn’t want a fling with a guy she cared about so much.

But maybe with the way she craved him, she wouldn’t regret anything they did together. The way he’d touched her—so lustfully—and licked her into orgasm…God. She couldn’t stop thinking about his tongue, his hands, the way he’d driven her into a frenzy. She’d been so desperate for relief that when she’d gotten it, she’d seen stars.Thathad never happened before.

And the craziest thing? None of the issues that usually troubled her seemed to matter. Like tonight, when she’d gotten home, she’d checked her email. Her boss said they’d announce their decision about the future of Abbott’s of London by January tenth.

Normally, she’d be freaking out, making to-do lists, and polishing her résume. But every time she forced herself to think about it, her mind wandered to Cole.

His kindness, his confidence…the way he handled every situation without losing his cool. And he was just so handsome, so…muscular. Which was funny because she’d never been attracted to a man’s physique before. In fact, she’d mostly dated artsy types. A graphic designer, a sculptor… She liked good conversations, shared interests. A six-pack didn’t make her top ten list of what she found attractive in a man.

So, why did she want to lick Cole’s? How come every time he flexed his biceps, she watched, mesmerized, as they bulged? Maybe it was the physical representation of his inner strength, because nothing turned her on more than a man in control. A man who took charge.

Restless, aching, and hot, she flung herself onto her back. What was he doing now? Brushing Paisley’s wet hair? She’d love to watch his big hockey hands manage a French braid, but no. That was their special time.

In high school, she’d thought she was a conquest. Now, though, she could look back and see him through a different lens. She remembered the way he always watched her, the nervous drumming of his fingers and jackhammering of his leg.

She reached for her phone and sent a text.