Page 142 of Love Me Like You Do

He’d be able to read everything in her eyes.

I don’t forgive you.

You’re an asshole.

How could you do that to us? To these precious little girls?

Instead, she broke into a grin so happy, so sweet, so filled with affection, all he could do was fling the door open to remove the barrier. The moment he did, she was in his arms. The girls barreled into him, shouting his name.

Each hugged a thigh, Hailey’s arms around his waist, and he was fully enveloped in love. A sense of peace washed over him.

I’m home.

It’s going to be all right.

He got down on his knees and hugged the girls. “I missed you. I missed you so much.” He breathed in their baby shampoo scent and felt their little hands fist in his shirt.

“Let’s get this celebration started,” Hailey said. “Go put your backpacks in your room.”

The cabin was tiny. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. It was meant for them to be all over each other like puppies in a basket. The girls ran off to find their room.

Cole stood. “I’m sorry—”

But she pressed a hand to his mouth. “None of that. I know you, Cole. I know you didn’t question your love for me or your desire to be in the girls’ lives. I know you backed away because you love us and actually believed you could hurt us.” She lowered her arm and reached for his hands. “I also know it didn’t take long before you realized the only way you could actually hurt us is by leaving.”

“Yes.” The word came out in a rush of air. And the strangest thing happened. Out of nowhere, tears burned the backs of his eyes.

“I see you. And I love you very, very much.”

“I love you, Hailey. So much I can’t see straight. Knowing I might’ve lost you about killed me.”

“Well, that won’t happen again.” Grinning, she pulled papers out of her tote bag. “Because I’m going to lock you down. Once you sign these, you’re ours forever.”

He pulled her to him and slanted his mouth over hers. He kissed his love into her, let it flow right through him and into her mouth. It had been two weeks since he’d held her and touched her, and he needed to show her how much he’d missed her.

“LaLee,” Evvie shrieked.

“Cole made hot chocolate,” Paisley called from the kitchen.

They pulled away, foreheads touching. “If you get the girls settled,” he said. “I’ll bring in the cocoa.”

With one more kiss, she set off to gather the girls around the coffee table.

With a sure hand, he poured the creamy liquid into four mugs and then squirted whipped cream on top. As he brought the tray out, he took in the scene. Hailey and his girls sitting before a crackling fire. While they chatted happily, she handed them a box of crayons and white printer paper and set out the contract.

His heart was so full it ached.

This is my family.

He was so damn grateful Hailey had forgiven him and wanted to have a life with him.

When Evvie saw what he was carrying, her eyes went wide. She got up and raced over to him, slamming into his legs.

“Hang on. Let me set this down.” As he set the tray down, Hailey handed each girl a straw and a spoon, and they all bellied up to the table.

This was the moment. The one they’d been waiting for. The right moment.

Hailey reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Girls, we have something to tell you.”