Page 112 of Love Me Like You Do

“An overgrown woman playing dress-up?”

“No. I see a strong, intelligent, creative, determined woman. You’re nothing like your mother, so you’ll never make the same choices, and that means you won’t wind up like her. You’re safe now, Hailey. You can trust yourself. Go ahead and take some chances.”

She reached for her new friend, falling into her arms, and years-worth of fear and anxiety rushed through her—no,passedthrough her. She’d had no idea the weight she’d been carrying until she’d released it.

In their place, a sense of empowerment took over. And what a difference.

Anxiety had her wheels spinning in the mud.

While empowerment gave her energy and determination. It made her feel indomitable.

“You’re right. You’re so right. Icantake care of myself.” She pulled back, swiping the moisture from under her eyes. “I couldn’t see it before.”

“You’ve been running on fear.”

No more. She’d make sure of it.


She came downthe stairs to Cole, Knox and Gray Bowie, Glori, Phinny and Declan, and Rosie, Brodie, and their two children, watching and recording her descent.

Her two sweet babies clapped, jumping up and down with glee.

“You look so pretty, LaLee,” Paisley said.

Evvie broke from the group to come running to her.

“Careful, sweetie,” someone called, but Hailey didn’t care. She scooped the girl into her arms.

“You pitty, LaLee.”

“Ah, thank you, baby.” When she looked up, her gaze landed on Cole, and her heart flipped over. In his black tux and white cummerbund, he looked like a model for a fancy watch ad. He could easily be the cover model of a glossy magazine.

Oh, wait. He’d already done that. A couple of times.

And he’d planned this whole night for her.

She set off for him. With one arm clutching Evvie, she wrapped the other around her date. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

“I owed you.” He pulled back, his gaze roaming her features. “Are you ready to go to prom?”

“Hold on, hold on. Let’s get some pictures.” Rosie stepped forward and reached for Evvie. “You come with me, sweet pea, so we can get Cole and Hailey over by the fireplace.” She took some poses of just the two of them and then some with the girls. “Okay, perfect. You’re all set.”

Cole hooked his arm through hers and led her to the door.

“Curfew’s midnight,” one of the guys called.

“It’s okay,” another one said. “I’ve got a tracker on her phone.”

“You’ve got school tomorrow,” someone shouted.

“Ignore them,” Knox said. “Just go and have fun.”

Hailey turned to look at this group of friends, her little girls, and a strange sense of rightness took hold.This is the life I want. “Thank you, guys, for everything. I’m incredibly grateful.”

Glori shooed her out the door. “You just enjoy your date.”

Finally, they were out the door. He cupped her elbow, steadying her on the snowy walkway. “You look beautiful.”