Page 23 of The Weekend Getaway

They stared at the wall for a few minutes, then Mel uncrossed her legs and stood up. “I’ll make us a cup of tea while we think. I’m sure we can come up with something.”

She’d just come back with two steaming mugs when Keira’s phone beeped with a message. “It’s from Noah,” she told Mel.

“Read it out loud.”

She went into the message. “Hi Keira, I should have mentioned that the family party is on Sicily.” Her head snapped up and she widened her eyes at Mel.

“Did you saySicily?” Mel stared at her in disbelief. “Italy?”

“Yes.” Keira returned her attention to the phone and continued reading. “We’d meet my brother at Exeter Airport and fly over with him. We can get a flight back on Saturday. I’d really love it if you came, but I totally understand if this is all a bit much. Let me know and I’ll arrange the flight and everything …” Her jaw hung open as she looked up from the phone.

They sat in a stunned silence for a moment.

“I think we may have seriously misjudged Noah,” Mel said quietly. “He doesn’t seem like the sort of guy who’d whisk you off to Italy for a night.”

“Who goes to Italy for one night?” Keira said, confused.

“Rich people, that’s who!”

“Sicily!” Keira said, unable to contain her shock. “He’s invited me to Sicily for one night. That’s crazy. How long is a flight to Sicily?”

“I’ve no idea, and I’d be amazed if you can get a direct flight to Sicily from Exeter.” Mel put a hand over her mouth as she gasped. “I’ll bet it’s a private jet.”

“No!” Keira laughed at the absurdity of the idea. “There’s no way in the world Noah travels by private jet. He works in a bar. He can’t be rich.”

“But his family could be!” Mel drummed her fingers on her thigh. “And maybe the job in the bar was him checking out how the other half live. I’ll bet he has a mansion in Cornwall overlooking the sea. That’ll be where he’s moving back to when he’s finished his year of slumming it.”

“You’re being ridiculous. It’sNoah.You can’t seriously believe any of your wild theories?”

“At the very least his family must be wealthy. He’s just invited you to Sicily for goodness’ sake. Message him and ask if it’s a private jet?”

“I can’t ask that!”

“True … play it cool. Go to the airport and act like getting a private jet to Italy is completely normal.”

“I’m not sure I’ll manage that either … I should probably tell him I can’t go.”

“No!” Mel screeched. “You’re going. Message him back and tell him how much you’re looking forward to it.”

Keira picked up her tea, then put it down again without even taking a sip. “I seriously can’t believe this. Things like this don’t happen to me.”

“Message him quick. You have to do this. I’m going to disown you as a friend if you don’t go.”

“But flying to Italy for one night is insane.”

“You’ll be with Noah. It’ll be fun and romantic.”

Keira picked her tea up again, causing ripples on the surface as she blew on it. “He never mentioned having family in Italy.”

“Who cares?” Mel waved a dismissive hand in front of her face. “It’s a free trip to Italy, and if nothing else you’ll have a great story to tell. Will you please message him?”

“I guess.” Tentatively, she picked up her phone. Her stomach prickled with anticipation as she replied to Noah.

Chapter Eight

In any spare moments at work on Thursday, Keira trawled the internet, researching Sicily. She’d never been and had no idea what to expect. She imagined staying in a villa with a pool and a lot of attractive, well-dressed people. Which made her panic about what she was going to wear. She called Mel at lunchtime, who calmed her down and assured her that they’d figure it out together that evening.

As usual, Mel was busy in the kitchen when Keira arrived home.