Page 17 of The Weekend Getaway

The sound of the string instruments playing the iconic theme music sent goosebumps running up Keira’s arms. Or maybe it was the way Noah was tracing circles on her palm with his thumb. Whatever it was, as the music faded and the film came on, everything felt utterly perfect. She was transfixed throughout.

When the film came to an end, the applause rose steadily from a ripple to a roar. Keira winced slightly as Mel wolf-whistled beside her.

“That was bloody amazing,” Mel said, amid the shuffle of the audience getting out of their seats.

“It was really good,” Keira agreed as Noah offered his hand to pull her up.

Mel took her wallet from her jacket pocket. “I still owe you money,” she told Noah. “I was waiting to see if it was worth it. Otherwise I’d have run away quick!”

“It’s fine,” Noah said as she pulled crumpled notes out. “You fed me. We can call it even.”

“No chance.” She pushed the money into his hand. “I was joking about letting you pay. I’m just happy you let me tag along. I have to tell Gay Phil about this – it’s totally his sort of thing.” She moved away from them as she began to tap out a message on her phone.

Noah took Keira’s hand again. “Gay Phil?”

“I try to tell her it’s not politically correct to call him that, but she says it’s fine because she’s a lesbian. Also because he’s part of her inner circle.”

“Inner circle?” Noah echoed.

“She doesn’t like to refer to him as a best friend …”

“Because he’s not!” Mel piped up. “Keira’s my best friend. You can only have one. Below her there are several people who I have close and meaningful relationships with. I call them my inner circle.”

“Do you have an outer circle?” Noah asked, smiling lightly.

“I suspect that was meant as a rhetorical question, but I do actually. Would you like to hear about all the different levels of friendship I have?”

“Maybe another time …”

“We’ll make an evening of it one night.” Her eyes flashed with amusement. “Meanwhile, would you like to know where you fall?”

“Inner circle? Surely?”

She laughed loudly. “That’s presumptuous … But yeah, course you are!” Her eyes darted to her phone. “Anyway, Phil’s out in town. I’m going to meet him for a drink and leave you lovebirds to it.” She squeezed Keira tightly and planted a big kiss on her cheek before treating Noah to the same. “Thank so much for letting me come along. Love you both!”

“She’s funny,” Noah said as she strode away.

“Yeah.” Keira rooted around in her purse and pulled out the money for the ticket. “Here. I owe you too.”

His eyebrows pulled together. “I was definitely intending to pay for you.”

“It’s too much,” she said, holding the notes out to him.

“I’m really happy to pay. Keep it.”

She wavered – her pride warring against thoughts of the dwindling sum in her bank account. After the briefest moment, she shook her head and forcefully put the money in his hand. “I can’t let you pay. Thank you for offering, though.”

He smiled weakly as he put the money in his wallet, and she had the sinking feeling that she should have just let him pay.

Around them, staff began folding up the deckchairs and carrying them away.

“Do you want to head into town and grab a drink?” Noah asked, then glanced around. “Or we could have a walk around the park?”

“A walk would be good.” She didn’t care what they did if she got to spend more time with him, but a walk around the park felt more intimate than a noisy pub.

Chapter Six

As they set off towards the well-lit path, Keira slipped her hand into the crook of Noah’s elbow. A hum of chatter drifted from people hanging around after the film, but it died out the further away they got.