Page 104 of The Weekend Getaway

He turned back to her on the doorstep. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m allowed to be upset, though. I wouldn’t be a very good mother if I was pleased to see you go, would I?”

“I guess not.” He kissed her cheek. “I love you.”

She told him she loved him too, and he set off, striding purposefully as he walked to Hugh Town. A message came from Keira when he was almost at the pub, asking if he was at work. He could barely focus on the message, too distracted by the thought of telling Seren he was leaving. Quickly, he replied saying he was nipping into the pub and would call her in an hour. He added that he needed to speak to her, then realised after he sent it that it might come across as cryptic and slightly ominous. Never mind, he’d speak to her soon and explain everything.

After a quick scan of the pub he slid onto a stool at the bar.

“You look as though you’ve got the weight of the world on those shoulders,” Charlie said, wandering along to him.

Leaning his forearms onto the bar, the faint smell of wood polish hit his nostrils. “Is Seren here?”

“Somewhere.” Charlie glanced behind him. “Kitchen, I think. Want me to give her a shout?”

“No.” He sat up straighter. “How much notice would you need me to give if I decided I wanted to move back to Bristol?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “I’d like to say you’re irreplaceable, but you know my staff fight over shifts, and I have people asking for a job just about every other day.”

“Not long then?”

He gave a small shake of the head. “When are you leaving?”

“As soon as possible.”

“I take it Seren doesn’t know yet?”

“No. I only decided over the last couple of days. I’m dreading telling her.”

Charlie’s lips hitched to a reassuring smile. “Do you want a beer or something stronger?”

“Beer, please.”

He’d just taken his first swig when Seren sauntered out from the back.

“You have the night off and this is where you spend it?” she teased.

“Can’t stay away,” he said. “Have you finished your shift?”

“Yes. Shall we get drunk in the corner and put the world to rights?”

“I have to go and call Keira in a bit, but I was hoping to catch you for a chat first.”

“Shit,” she muttered as she poured herself a glass of wine. “You’re leaving me again, aren’t you?”

His eyes widened and he was about to question how she knew, before remembering that Seren had been reading his mind for as long as he could remember. “Yeah.”

“It was pretty stupid of you to come back here in the first place.” Walking around the bar, she tipped her head to the table at the back of the room and he dutifully followed. “Didn’t I tell you that you’d be terrible at a long-distance relationship?”

Sliding onto the bench, he sat so close that they were touching. “I was talking to Trystan about Jenny and kept thinking he should do whatever it takes to make things work. I guess I should take that advice myself. I don’t want to let my relationship with Keira fizzle out without giving it a proper chance.”

“You’re right. If she’s the one, you need to jump in with both feet. Life’s too short not to.”

As she pressed her lips together, he wasn’t sure if she was thinking of her mum or his dad. Probably both. Nodding through the lump in his throat, he circled his arm around her back and leaned the side of his head against hers. “I’ll call you all the time. Just like last time I was away.”

“No, you won’t.” As she pressed her face into his neck he felt her warm tears on his skin.

“I will.” He stroked her hair. “I promise.”