Page 20 of The Weekend Getaway

“I haven’t.” He clasped his hands behind her back and drew her close.

“I feel as though something’s bothering you. If it’s about me meeting your family it would be better if you told me now.”

“It’s not.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Is it about the conversation you overheard about me and Mel having your babies? Because I swear that was a joke. I realise our sense of humour might not be to everyone’s taste.”

His lips twitched upwards. “It’s not that.”

“There’s something, though, isn’t there?”

“Yes.” His chest puffed up as he inhaled deeply. “There’s something I should have told you before. But I put it off and now I feel bad that I didn’t tell you.”

“No time like the present,” she said, trying not to panic.

His arms loosened around her and creases appeared on his forehead. “I only ever intended to stay in Bristol for a year,” he said slowly. “I wanted to live in a city and I thought I could save up a bit. But the plan has always been to move home again after a year. I have a job to go back to … it’s all planned.”

A lump formed in Keira’s throat. “How long have you been here?”

“Almost eleven months,” he said sheepishly.

“So …?”

“I’m leaving in five weeks. Four and a half really.”

“Oh …”

“Yeah, I should have said something earlier.”

She thought back to their last date when he’d wanted to tell her something, and how he’d conveniently forgotten when she asked him about it later. “Why didn’t you?”

He pulled back slightly. “I thought you might not want to go out with me again. And I really wanted to go out with you.”

“You mean you didn’t want to mess up your chances of a fling before you leave?”

He shook his head. “That was never it. I don’t see this as a fling.”

“What were you thinking then?” Irritated, she took a couple of steps away from him.

“I’ve no idea.” He reached for her hand. “I just know that I really like you, and I wish I’d got to know you eleven months ago.” Inching closer, he pushed her hair from her face. “I understand if you don’t want anything more to do with me, but I’d really like us to see where things go. In a month you might decide you can’t stand me and then me moving away will be a relief.”

“I suspect that’s not what’s going to happen.” She touched her forehead to his. “I really like you too.”

“Do you still want to come with me on Friday?”

It dawned on her that the trip to visit his family was the only reason he’d brought up his plans to leave. How long would he have held off for otherwise? It didn’t seem worth quizzing him on it.

“I don’t know,” she said eventually. “I’m not sure what to think about any of this.”

“Do you want to think about it and let me know?” he asked gently.

She nodded and swallowed her emotions. “I had a really lovely evening.”

“Me too.” His kiss was tender and full of emotion. It was difficult for Keira to pull herself away, and when she did she was hit by a wave of tiredness. Alone in the lift she slumped against the mirrored wall.

Why couldn’t life be straightforward?

Chapter Seven