Page 109 of The Weekend Getaway

“No. My mind is made up. I’m moving to Scilly and everything is going to be perfect.”

Chapter Thirty-Five

By the end of her weekend with Noah, any lingering doubts Keira had about moving had been entirely eradicated. Noah’s excitement, along with the positivity from his family, was infectious. When she arrived back in Bristol she got the wheels in motion.

Work negotiations were made easier since Keira had decided she was moving no matter what. For once, she was able to confidently ask for what she wanted. With the support of her manager, she was empowered to negotiate a new contract which suited her needs. The hours were part-time to begin with, which Keira was happy with. The drop in income didn’t terrify her as it would have done not long ago, and she was excited about having more free time to settle into her new life. After six months they’d review the situation and renegotiate the contract if either party was unhappy. Again, the element of uncertainty didn’t concern Keira. Who knows what would happen in six months? The move felt like an adventure, and change was inevitable.

The only uncertainty that did bother her was surrounding her relationship with her dad. Her mum insisted that he’d come round eventually, but the stress of it all played on Keira’s mind.

The Sunday after she arrived back from Scilly, she set off to visit her parents, hoping that the news of her moving might shock her dad into an open conversation.

As soon as she stepped into the house, the smell of stale cigarette smoke hit her, making her feel slightly nauseous. It was even more overpowering when she hugged her dad in the kitchen. At least he was there. Keira had half expected that he’d have conveniently been out somewhere, even though she’d messaged to say she was coming over.

“How’s everything with you?” her mum asked while she filled the kettle.

“Really good.” Keira peeled her denim jacket off, slinging it over the back of the chair as she sat at the table opposite her dad.

“That’s good to hear,” he said as he stood. “I’ve got to nip out for a while I’m afraid.”

“How come?” Keira asked as a knot formed in her stomach.

“Just got a few things to do. Nice for you two to get some girlie time too, no doubt.”

“Dad!” Keira snapped. “I came to see you. We’ve hardly spoken in ages.”

“Sorry, love.” He didn’t look at her as he stuffed his pockets with tobacco and papers and a lighter. “We’ll catch up properly soon.”

“I need to speak to younow,” she insisted. “I’ve got some news.”

“What is it?” her mum asked.

Keira’s gaze was on her dad, who still refused to make eye contact. “I’m going to live with Noah. On Scilly. I’ve sorted everything out with work this week, so it’s definite.”

“Wow.” Her mum paused in making tea and came to sit with Keira. “Isn’t that exciting? When will you leave?”

“I’m not sure. Soon though. I need to give Mel time to find a new flatmate. And I need to pack. Probably a few weeks.” She looked pleadingly at her dad, waiting for a reaction.

“If that’s what you want, I’m sure it’ll be good for you.” His voice was hollow as he stared at his shoes. “We’ll miss you, of course …”

“Will you?” she asked harshly. “Maybe once you would’ve done, but since I stopped giving you money, do you even care at all?”

“Of course we care. Don’t talk daft.” He gave Keira a perfunctory kiss on the cheek before walking out of the door.

“What the hell is wrong with him?” Keira growled as the front door closed behind him. “He treats me like a stranger.”

“He feels bad,” her mum said, moving back to the kettle and pouring steaming water over the teabags.

“You could’ve fooled me,” Keira said, heaving musty air into her lungs. “I’ve been stressing about the situation so much and I don’t know why. If telling him I’m moving away doesn’t evoke a response from him, what am I supposed to do?”

Her mum put a cup of tea in front of her. “He said he’ll miss you.”

“Yeah, as he was walking out of the door. He can’t even sit in a room and have a cuppa with me. Is this how it’s going to be from now on?”

“I don’t know, love. He’s in a funny mood with me too. It’s not just you … and …”

“And what?” she asked as her mum trailed off.

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “Nothing for you to worry about anyway.”