Page 107 of The Weekend Getaway

Seren cast her a sidelong glance. “Trystan said you’d seen me and Noah chatting and you were upset.”

“It wasn’t the chatting that was the problem,” Keira said frostily.

“Yeah, I know. I’m sure it looked bad from your position, but there’s honestly nothing going on between us.”

“Noah already told me that your feelings for each other are platonic and always have been, it’s just hard to believe.”

Seren smiled lightly. “That’s not really true.”

“What do you mean?”

“Myfeelings have always been platonic … but there were a few weeks when we were fifteen when he had a major crush on me.” She smiled widely. “It was as awkward as hell. The way he looked at me was so creepy that I avoided him for a while. But he got over it pretty quickly.”

“He never mentioned that,” Keira said, faintly amused.

“He might deny it if questioned. We never spoke about it.” She slowed her pace and looked at Keira. “I’m not upset about you two being together, or even about him moving back to Bristol. What I find difficult is knowing that if you ask him to choose, he’d choose you over me any day of the week. He’s had a few girlfriends before, but no one who he’d put before our friendship.”

Keira stopped, pulling stray strands of hair from her face as she looked out over the listless water. The surface sparkled with yellow and orange flecks from the setting sun. “I’d never ask him to choose,” she finally said. “What kind of relationship would we have if I made him ditch his best friend?”

Seren smiled slowly. “The more I get to know you, the more I can see why he’s so smitten. You’re perfect for him. I don’t know if it makes any difference, but I wanted you to hear from me that you don’t have to worry about me and Noah. I also know our friendship is intense … I’ll back off.”

“You don’t need to back off. It’s not really you that’s the problem, it’s me being insecure and worrying that I’ll move here and things won’t work out.”

Seren’s eyes widened. “You’re thinking of moving here?”

“Yes. This morning I was absolutely convinced I was going to do it. Now it feels like a crazy idea.”

“It’s not a crazy idea. It’s a brilliant idea!” Her eyes bulged. “You should definitely do it. I’ll help you settle in … you can borrow my clothes, whatever you need!”

“You really don’t want Noah to leave, do you?” Keira asked, smiling.

“No.” She tilted her head. “I also don’t want you to tell him not to be friends with me.”

“I’m not going to.” Keira smiled and set off back towards the pub. “I really liked that blue hoodie you lent me last time I was here,” she said, her words laced with mischief.

“You can have it!” Seren burst out laughing. “You’re going to take all my stuff, aren’t you?”

“I was joking. But I’ll need your help figuring out island life. I’m not great with change so you might have to listen to me freaking out quite a lot.”

“You’re going to love living here.” Seren glanced up at Noah, who was leaning against the pub. “You better put him out of his misery. He looks as though he’s about to have a nervous breakdown.”

“I’ll talk to you later,” Keira said as Seren went back inside the pub.

“What was that all about?” Noah asked, straightening up as she approached.

“Girl talk!”

“Hmm. You look happier …”

“If the offer still stands, I’m going to move here.”

He shook his head. “I was going to move back to Bristol.”

“I think it’s better if we live here. But I’m happy to know that youwouldmove to Bristol.” She hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him slowly.

“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled away.

“I love you too.” She grinned up at him. “I’m also freaking out a bit. It turns out I might be able to keep my job and work remotely, but if not I’ll have to look for a job here.”