I watch him now, and he’s not lying. He does look calm. Like he could take down an elephant, but calm with the knowledge that he’d win against it.
I swallow my shame and guilt and rest my chin on my knees again. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll never get out of here. He’ll never let me go free. As long as he’s alive, I’ll be his prisoner.”
There’s noise in the hall, and I shift tight to the corner. The door opens, and one of the guards steps in. He’s in all black, his usual cargo and button-down uniform. Andre. One of the few guards who’s focused on me for some time. The second I’m drugged or forced into anything, he’s there, waiting to take advantage of the situation and of me.
“What are you doing?” he asks, staring down at me, his boots only inches from my cold bare feet.
I swallow and tilt my face away in case he might strike out like he did earlier when I wouldn’t get out of bed.
“I asked you a question, bitch,” he hisses, his voice low and soft.
Ivan speaks from the other side of the room. “Can I help you? She belongs to me right now. If you touch her, I’ll kill you.” There’s so much hatred in his tone. So much promised pain.
Shit. It will only make Andre angry, and then he will use that against me.
I tuck myself down, trying to make myself as small as possible. It’s the only way to stay alive.
The bastard’s hands are on her skin, and I’m two seconds from ripping his head from his body. “Don’t fucking touch her.”
The guard smirks at me and hauls Priscilla to her feet. She lets out a whimper that further ignites my rage.
“Hey, asshole!” I stretch to get closer, up in a crouch, the best I can manage with one hand still pinned. “Let her go. Walk out of the room, or I’m going to fucking obliterate you.”
As I expect, he shoves her against the wall and crowds in close, aligning his body with hers. Oh, hell fucking no. “I said, let her go.”
When he again ignores me, I call out to Arthur, hoping he doesn’t want to risk his precious truce. “Are you going to let him ruin your shot? Because I don’t use sloppy seconds. Get him out before you lose a guard.”
The man smirks at me. “You think he’s watching? No, he’s already back in his lab. It’s just me now, and I’ve missed this little piece of ass while she’s been hunting you down for us.”
Priscilla whimpers and turns her face to the corner while the guard leans in to kiss her.
Something inside me snaps. I jerk my arm, trying to get closer, reach him, get him off her. “Fight him, Malyshka. You belong to me until I say otherwise.”
But she only cries, trying to keep her face averted. I struggle harder and reach the table to shove it toward them.
It screeches across the concrete, and the guard blocks it with one hand, releasing a chuckle. “Whooa, almost got me there. Sit tight, I’ll be done in a second, and you can have your turn.”
I scream at him, “Leave her alone. Don’t fucking touch her.”
The more I rage, the more the bastard lets his hands roam down her body. When he pinches her nipples, I wrench my arm so hard that something cracks in my shoulder. It doesn’t matter. I won’t let him have her. Not here. Not now. Not ever.
“Back away,” I spit at him. “You don’t want to test me on this. I don’t know what fucking happened to make you think you can get away with this now, or hell, maybe you’ve done this before, and you’ve always been able to get what you want. But not today. Let. Her. Go.”
The guard tosses me another look. He doesn’t give a shit. Hell, maybe he has no idea who I am or what I’m capable of, but my fingers are already itching to show him exactly what he’s too stupid to see. He’s waving a red flag in my face, and he’s about to find out how much of a mistake he’s making.
“Fucking fight, Priscilla. If you don’t fight, I’m going to make sure you regret it after I’m done fucking bashing this asshole’s skull in. Fight him, baby, or I will do it for you.” I keep pulling my hand, my arm, wrenching my shoulder. Nothing loosened.
The guard dips his hand into her underwear, and Priscilla releases a fresh sob, sinking down so the man has to hold her up to keep his hand where he’s placed it.
I’ve had enough. I step back to the wall and eye the zip tie. I can break it, but it’ll mean breaking something in my hand or my wrist, and while this hand isn’t my dominant hand, I don’t like the idea of being vulnerable while I’m stuck here. Plus, I suspect they would use my injury as an opening to load me up with more of their fucked-up drugs.