He turned so that his hand casually wandered between my breasts and down my stomach. "Not at all. I never think about things like that. I just like being with you because you're you." His hand shifted to my hip, giving a firm squeeze. "Do you care that I'm older?"

"No. In fact, I think I like it. Your life experience will probably help me get a head start on things." I sighed. "That didn't come out right. I don't mean I'd use you to get ahead. I mean you'll have lots of great life advice along the way and help me avoid stupid mistakes."

Warrick's hands snapped back as Tina flashed us a grin on her way to unlock the front door. "I think I know what you mean. It's always good to work in a lab when the previous technician was a good note taker. Don't expect to get a lot of social advice from me, but engineering, education, health and wellness – that I can help with."

"And perfect breakfast spots, apparently."

"My taste in girlfriends is also impeccable. Where would you like to go next? Anywhere in the city. Or I could get us a plane. One of my assistants was saying that I don't challenge her enough."

Staring into his sweet eyes, having his entire focus fixed on me, all I wanted was to be alone with him.

"Your place," I whispered.

He grinned, leaning back to pat his washboard stomach. "I'm too full to drive. You're going to have to take over again."



On the way back to my house, I peppered Brooke with questions about her interest in robotics, and ideas for interactive toys.

She had a brilliant mind, and was truly creative. I'd always loved smart people who enjoyed becoming mesmerized by tiny engineering details. She knew what it was like to fall into a work trance, or become obsessed by a new invention.

It was fantastic to think that the most beautiful woman I've ever met wouldn't be driven bonkers by my technical rambling, as long as I kept things under control.

Plus, her ideas for the robotic toys truly were innovative. I couldn't wait to help with them when she got to the testing phase.

When we got to my house, we walked to the front door, then I pointed to the panel. "962 212."

"What the what now?"

"It's your own security code. Four numbers from the center of your phone number, and the day we met was the twelfth."

Brooke's perfect lips fell open in astonishment. "You're basically giving me the key to your house already?"

I smiled. "Well, yes. We'll be coming here more often than to your place, right?"

The grin she gave me was like being hit with a wave of sunshine. She keyed in the number, then the entry button, and the door made a soft click. I followed her delighted giggle into the house, then went to pour us some water with fresh lime.

Brooke looked around the kitchen, smiling. "This place is really nice, Warrick. Extremely livable."

"That was the idea. Not to generalize, but women really do seem to have better instincts when it comes to homes, comfort, and nesting. So I asked the women at work for decorating ideas, then had them all over for lunch so that we made a group decision on everything."

Brooke shrieked with laughter. "You had your coworkers help decorate?"

I shot her a smirk. "They understand how I speak, and were able to translate for the actual decorator. Plus, from their point of view, it gave them all an afternoon away from work to have some face time with the boss." I rolled my eyes. "That sounds cringey, sorry. Bottom line, everyone seemed very happy."

Brooke nodded. "I think it's great that you asked for help. A lot of powerful men refuse to do that."

"A university professor told me once that the more brains were working on a project the better, within reason."

Brooke stared at me strangely for a moment, then smiled. "You have so much, and you've done so much, yet there's not a hint of arrogance about you," she said softly. "Just sweetness."

I pushed my chair back so Brooke could sit in my lap. The instant we began kissing, I could feel a change sweep over both of us. She wanted more.

Lifting her in my arms, I asked, "Bedroom?"
