"Yeah, sort of, he’s my dad,’ Cal chuckled.

"Really? Oh that’s funny. He’s my neighbor. Are you a doctor too?" Taking the drive to my house slowly and cautiously, I was enjoying getting to know the handsome albeit bloody man in my car.

"No, ma’am, not even close."

"Oh! I know who you are, you’re the son that’s a Marine Colonel. Your dad is so proud of you. Every time he heard from you he would tell me all about it."

"Really? I’ve always got the impression he was disappointed in my life choices."

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that so I moved on and asked another question. "Is that your truck and trailer behind his house?"

"Yep. That's my net worth. All my worldly possessions, set behind Dad's house." Cal turned quiet after saying that and I didn’t want to push him. It was obviously a sensitive subject.

After a little bit, I told him, "I'm taking you to my house to get you cleaned up. I have everything I need to stitch up that forehead. I'll call your dad once we get inside. An extra pair of hands will be helpful. Is that alright with you?”

He nodded at me, his eyes closed. “If you have an aspirin or two I wouldn’t mind that.”

“Aspirin is a blood thinner so how about some Tylenol or Motrin instead?” When he didn’t answer I looked over at Cal concerned. “Cal?”

“I’m awake. My head is just pounding and the motion of the car was making me a bit queasy.” I parked my car in the garage and once stopped, I laid my hand on his wrist, relieved that his pulse was steady and strong.

“Understandable. Well, we’re here.” I climbed out of the car before coming around to his side. I let him lean on me to get him in my house. I knew he was worried he would bleed all over everything but I really didn’t care about that. I let him ease down on a kitchen chair.

"Please, beautiful, change your clothes before you start with me. That dress is really gorgeous on you, don't ruin it, your husband will be very upset."

"No husband to get mad. Just me but I'll run and change. I'll call your dad as well. I’ll have him bring you a change of clothes as well."

“Thank you. You’re an angel to do all of this.” I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as I quickly turned and left the room.

Chapter 2


Just as the beautiful Nicola entered the kitchen there was a knock on the door. She opened it and my father entered. I couldn’t help the internal sigh. I loved my dad but he and I hadn’t seen eye to eye recently.

"Cal, you look like hell, how do you feel?" He immediately started to poke and prod before I even had a chance to respond.

I wanted Nicola to doctor me, not my dad. I wish I’d known Nicola before this whole mess occurred. She was incredibly beautiful and way out of my league but I couldn’t help but desire the woman standing there chewing on her thumb.

"I’m fine, Dad. Just some scraps and bruises. I’d rather the beautiful Dr. Nicola to doctor me."

"Cal, this lady is a very fine doctor, so mind your manners."

I watched as she smiled at both of us. With a soft giggle and slightly pinkened cheeks she told my father, "Oh, this is too much.”

"Oh! You’re blushing," he grinned.

Holding her cheeks to hide her adorable blush, she said, "Let’s get him up on my kitchen table and about getting him properly doctored up. I'll get some hot water and cloths and towels.”

"Stop trying to watch Nicola so I can see this cut, son. I think we should stitch this cut on his forehead to hold it shut long enough to heal."

“I agree. At first, I thought a butterfly would do but I think it’s too deep for that. His knee and foot have a lot of dirt and debris."

“Once we get them cleaned up he may need a stitch or two but let’s get them cleaned up before we decide on that.”

I felt like I was watching one of those medical dramas as they continued back and forth talking about me rather than to me. It was a surreal experience but I loved watching Nicola in her element talking to my father as an equal rather than a superior. "I agree, sir. Let's get his sneaker off. Do you think we need to cut it off? I don’t want to hurt him further."

"No, he’s tough."