Page 9 of To Trap A Kiss

“Yeah, I saw the report. Razor and Scar went to check it out. Do we know if Griff is working tonight?”

Leo nodded with a dark look in his eyes. “I saw him on the staff schedule. Why?”

Saint held up a hand as his cell phone went off. I could never get my phone to work on these upper levels. I wonder if he had a special phone. “What?” He asked whoever was calling him.

He was quiet for several long moments before his face started to darken in anger. I could see that this man had a darkness inside him. He terrified me on an instinctual level as if he were the predator and I was the prey. I felt myself jump in a mix of terror and surprise as he growled out an angry, “FUCK. Fine, join us at the club but stay out of sight. Come up the back way to Rim’s office.” He slammed his phone down on the coffee table as he glanced at Chastity and then at me. “The boys found the proof they were looking for. We need Ezra up here to confirm what I’m going to tell everyone.”

Alastair was closest to Devrim’s desk as he turned around and picked up the phone and pressed a button. “Ez, we need you in Devrim’s office. We have news.”

Devrim silently pulled me onto his lap and tightened his arms around my waist before nuzzling my neck. He pulled back and looked at me. He nodded slightly and I knew that whatever they had to tell me, I was safe now. These incredibly rich and scary men would do what needed to be done to protect me.

Before long Ezra knocked on the door and came in. Looking at everyone in the room, his eyes stopped on me. He gave me a small smile before his eyes turned hard as he asked, “So what’s this news? I have a feeling I’m not going to like it.”

“When was Griff hired?” Saint asked.

Devrim looked at him sharply but remained quiet.

“Fuck, I’d have to look at the computer but I want to say a few months or so after Lora. Why?” Ezra asked.

Saint nodded before answering. “Seems the man we know isn’t Griff Anders at all. Griff was a childhood friend of his that died by mysterious means about six months ago. His resume is real, it just belongs to the now missing Griff Anders.”

“Who the fuck is the man that’s been working here then?” Devrim growled out.

“Mason Wright.”

“I know that name. Why do I know that name?” I asked myself. “Oh! He… shit… I think he was the guy who handled all the stage lighting at my university.”

Devrim looked at me in surprise. “You didn’t recognize him?”

“I don’t think I ever really talked to him and he looked completely different from the guy we know as Griff. Mason had dark hair and seemed shy.”

Another knock sounded as two of the largest and scariest men I’d ever seen entered the room. “Perfect timing,” Saint replied with a nod to them.

Ezra looked positively enraged as he said to them, “I just saw him before I came up here. He suspects nothing. He’s watching the door to the VIP rooms.”

The two men nodded before leaving the room. Watching them, I glanced at Saint and asked, “Don’t we need the police?”

“We handle our own business when someone thinks to betray our trust. We take it as a personal affront that he not only went after and threatened Rimmy’s woman but also lied to us about who he was,” Leo explained as he poured himself a whiskey from the private bar in the back of the room.

I nodded as I burrowed closer to Devrim. I couldn’t even wrap my head around that my stalker was Griff. He was always so nice and protective of me. The Griff I knew didn’t fit everything that had been done to make me feel unsafe in my own home. I simply wanted to know why. Why me?

Chapter 6


It wasn’t long before Saint’s men dragged Mason aka Griff into the room. I stood up and stalked over to him. I could feel Ezra right behind me. We were both filled with rage that this man would threaten Lora. She was a beautiful angel who was too good for the man before us.

“You lied to us. You threatened Lora. You will NEVER have her. You will NEVER hurt her again,” I growled at the man who looked at me with nothing but pure hate.

“NO! She is mine. She’s always been mine. You can’t have her. She belongs to me,” he screamed at me. He looked at Lora as he screamed, “You slut! How could you love him? How could you betray us like that, you whore?”

“There was never an us. I didn’t even know you before I started to work here. It’s all in your head!” Lora sobbed out at him. I watched as Chastity pulled her into her arms and led her to a back corner where she held her and comforted her.

Chastity nodded at me before I suddenly turned around and punched the monster in front of me. Right after me, Ezra pulled out a knife from his belt and stabbed the man right into his gut before twisting it as he snarled to him, “That’s for all the fear my cousin felt.” He pulled back and stabbed him again. “That’s for lying to me, you asshole.” He pulled back again as he snarled a third time, “And this is for every evil, nasty thought that’s ever crossed your mind about my beautiful cousin. Burn in hell!”

Mason gasped as I realized that the third stab was at an angle that pierced his heart. I looked at Ezra with a new appreciation. Leo had introduced him to us and assured us that he was the perfect man to run the Belladonna Club. Now I could see why.

Saint looked at his men and nodded to them. They immediately dragged the man out and I knew we’d never see him again. I went to where Chastity had kept Lora from seeing any of that and smiled as I said, “Thanks.”