My hands shook as I tried to call Ezra. It went to voicemail. I tried again and still no answer. Then I saw his name… Devrim on my recents list. Should I call him?
Without even realizing it, my fingers seemed to make a decision on their own as I hit the call button. I jumped in surprise when I heard his voice, “Mr. K-knight, D-devrim?”
“Lora? What’s wrong, sweet girl?”
I couldn't stop the tears as I shook in fear. I forced myself to the bathroom and locked the door, curling into a ball on the floor in the corner. I could barely whisper, “He-he was here. He destroyed my apartment.”
“I’m on my way. Where are you now?”
“Hiding in the bathroom. I’m so scared.” I could hear him talking to someone in the background but I couldn’t tell what he said. “Devrim… please, help me.” My voice was a pained whisper full of fear as the tears continuously fell.
“Baby, I’m coming. Stay in the bathroom. I’ll be there shortly. Just stay on the phone with me. Keep talking, baby. How were dance rehearsals today?”
“It was good. I-I think he saw us. He seems mad. What if he finds me and kills me?”
“He won’t. I promise he won’t. I’m coming to get you. The police are on their way too. Just hang in there, baby girl. No one is going to hurt you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise. Do you work tonight?”
“No. I tried to call Ezra but he didn’t answer. I’m sorry. I should have called the police first.”
“Don’t you even worry about that. I’m parking the car. Soon you’ll be safe with me.” His words slowly calmed me but I didn’t know for how long.
I was so scared at that moment. My stalker had never done this before. The notes and gifts were creepy but this terrified me down to my core.
Suddenly I heard Devrim’s voice from inside my apartment, “Lora? Fuck! Lora?”
I forced myself to stand up and still shaking I opened the bathroom door as I called out, “Devrim?”
Before I knew what was happening, he reached me and wrapped his arms around me holding me close. “Shhh… I’m here, baby. I have you.”
The moment I saw it was Lora calling me, my heart jumped into my throat and I took a shuddering breath trying to calm my nerves. I could stare down the most powerful men in business and not feel an ounce of nerves. I could have lunch with the deadliest men in the Mafia and Bratva worlds and be completely relaxed. One little dancer calls and I’m a ten year old boy talking to a girl I have a crush on.
The fear that was plain as day in her voice immediately put me on alert. My assistant walked into my office as I stood up. “Lora? What’s wrong, sweet girl?”
Her response left me in a sheer state of panic. I quickly bent down and wrote out her address. Next to it I wrote, ‘Call 911 and get the police. Break in. Suspect may still be there.’
My assistant ran to do what I asked as I grabbed my keys and headed down to the garage. I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt my Lora, and she was mine. After breaking every speed limit, I quickly rushed up to her apartment.
Her door sat open and when I saw the destroyed interior panic filled me. “Lora?” The offensive words spray painted onto the walls filled me with rage. “Fuck! Lora?”
Relief filled my heart when I heard her call out my name and saw her come out of the bathroom. The terror in her eyes broke my heart. I shouldn’t have left her last night. What if she’d been home when he showed up? What if he’d hurt or worse, killed her?
I rushed over to her and pulled her into my arms holding her close. “Shhh… I’m here, baby. I have you.”
Her trembling body fed my rage that I pushed down. She didn’t need my rage, she needed my love and safety. She needed to know that she wasn’t alone. She needed to be allowed to release that fear knowing that no matter what she was safe with me.
“Let’s go wait for the police outside, baby.” I started to lead her outside when she stumbled over the mess. Her gasp of sorrow was the final straw before I scooped her up in my arms and held her close. She curled into my chest making me smile softly.
I carried her out of her apartment, the feel of her in my arms, making my heart soar. She was incredibly light and I worried if she was eating enough. My niece counted every calorie she ate and it drove me nuts. A woman was supposed to have soft curves, not be stick thin. Too thin looked unhealthy in my mind and if men were honest, nearly all would agree with me.
I put Lora down to sit on the bottom stair and sat behind her one step up. I kept my arms and legs wrapped around her so she felt safe in the cocoon of my body. When she leaned back against my chest and closed her eyes, a feeling of peace and happiness filled my heart and soul.