Page 3 of To Trap A Kiss

“Absolutely, sir. If you need anything, let Kyle know. We have a full house tonight.”

I chuckled at Saint’s smirk. After we were alone again I asked, “Intelligence gathering?”

“Dude, why on earth would I be gathering information on our illustrious Police Commissioner?”

“No clue,” I chuckled as Leo Zima and Alastair Heney joined us. “Why if it isn’t Alice and her Lion.”

“Fuck you, Rim,” Alastair growled at me.

“He’s just trying to distract you from the fact that our illustrious Rimmy has a crush on a real, live girl. Seems he’s gotten bored with the rubber ones.” I flipped Saint off as he laughed hard at my expense.

“Wait, wait… I thought we called him Rimmy cuz he was crushing on us?” Leo smirked.

I growled as I narrowed my eyes at him. “I wouldn’t suck your dick if it was the fountain of youth, asshole.”

I turned my attention back to Lora with a smile. I just needed to figure out the best way to go from watching the girl of my dreams to actually having her in my life.



Tonight was as insane as ever in the nightclub but I had to admit that it was a fun sort of insanity. Griff never let me out of his sight leaving me feeling safe. I knew the evil had left me alone for now.

Instead, a different sensation filled me. My skin tingled as if I’d been caressed by a lover. It was probably just my imagination but I wondered what kind of man would make my body react so thoroughly with just a look.

“Hey Griff, have you ever met any of the owners?” I asked as I cleaned up the bar.

“No, but Ezra has.”

“Hmmm, yeah. I wonder why they’re so secretive about their identities.”

“Everyone has secrets. Those with money just have bigger secrets.”

I smiled at the large man. “That’s the truth. Well, I think I’m done here. I’m going down to the lockers and then I’ll head home.”

“Let me give you a ride home. I saw that you walked today.”

“Thanks, Griff, but there’s no need. I live right around the corner.” I smiled with a yawn.

Griff moved so that he was standing close, almost too close. “It’s nearly three am. With some guy trying to get your attention, it’s better if you were properly secured.”

I looked at Griff with a strange sort of trepidation filling me. Why did I suddenly feel nervous? Griff always made me feel safe. My instinct was screaming at me and that confused the heck out of me.

“No need, Griff. I’ll take her. I’m heading that direction,” a surprisingly deep voice said from behind me. Turning around, I gasped at the man before me. He was gorgeous. This man was the kind of man that screamed class and sophistication with his incredible good looks.

“Thank you, Mr. Knight,” Griff replied with almost what sounded like disappointment. I couldn’t tell for sure because my eyes were distracted by the god before me.

“Who…” I stumbled out.

“Devrim Knight, one of the mysterious owners of the Belladonna.” His smile made my insides melt as my captured eyes drowned in his.

“I’m Lora.” My eyes blinked several times trying to break free.

He chuckled softly. “Yes, I know. You also dance at the Elina Miles Studio with my niece, Sofia Knight.”

“Oh yes! I adore Sofia. Now that you mention it, I believe Sofia talked about you. Something about me having to meet her favorite uncle.”

“It’s hard not to love her. She’s a wonderful person. Now, don’t you live close? Get your stuff. I’ll take you home.”