“Surely you don’t intend for me to play the coquette, my lord?” she frowned. “I’m not here to flirt and converse as if this is a society event. I’m here because this is a cause that I feel quite strongly about.”

“As do I,” he concurred. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t smile.”

Isadora slid a glance at him, but she couldn’t tell whether or not he was teasing.

Nevertheless, the meeting began and they fell silent.

Chapter Three

Remington couldn’t seem to quit casting surreptitious glances at the lady. There was just something so compelling about Lady Isadora Bevelstroke. While most women were dedicated to finding a husband or honing their skills when they married, she was attending a meeting for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He appreciated an intelligent female mind, and hers was quite impressive. She wasn’t afraid to voice her opinions and more than once during the meeting she had spoken up to request clarification on one matter or another.

And he hadn’t been the single one who noticed. Rem glanced around at the other men and saw that not a single man seemed annoyed by her presence. In truth, they appeared rather impressed, and if he were to suggest allowing more women to become involved, they would likely approve if they were anything like Lady Isadora.

“I have taken the liberty to employ an inspector, Charles Wheeler, to keep me apprised of the dealings at Smithfield. The market has been notorious for abuse and neglect over the years and I have already compiled a list of offenders that I would see charged before the courts on grounds of animal cruelty.”

A round of applause went around the table, including Rem.

When the meeting had concluded and Lady Isadora rose to her feet, Remington did the same. “What did you think, my lady? Is it still a worthy cause for you to support?”

“Indeed.” She glanced at him, her gray eyes as direct as ever. “I hope that you were inspired to do the same.”

She left to chat with a few of the other men in attendance and then he heard her say to Mr. Broome. “I will send a note around to you tomorrow, but I fear I won’t be able to attend another meeting for a while. I’m leaving town in a couple days.”

As she retrieved her cloak and departed, Remington couldn’t help but follow suit, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He excused himself with similar assurances of a donation to the other members.

“Lady Isadora.” She paused just outside and he smiled as he joined her.

“Yes, my lord?”

It took him a moment to remember how to speak. “I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re leaving the city.”

“I am. My brother-in-law has some interests in the north that I thought I might inspect.” She grinned. “And I decided I deserved a short holiday now that I’m on my own.”

“I imagine it is rather lonely now that your sisters are gone.”

“At times,” she concurred with a tight smile. “But it also gives me the freedom to come and go as I please. I don’t have to worry if someone will be concerned should I don’t arrive home at a certain time.”

“Indeed. It can be quite liberating. Now that I have seen my niece properly settled, I believe I shall take a page out of your book and do the same. I have been yearning to take a break from the congestion of the city.”

“You prefer the country?” she asked conversationally.

He nodded. “I do. Although I’ve had very little time over the past few months to enjoy such solitude.”

“Perhaps you should take the opportunity to take some time for yourself then,” she suggested, and then she glanced at her curricle. “I should be getting home. It’s rather late and I have never gotten used to town hours.”

“Of course. Let me assist you.” He walked forward and offered his bare hand next to the carriage.

She hesitated a moment, and then she accepted the offering with her naked palm. Once she was settled, Rem untied her horse and handed her the reins. “Thank you, my lord. That was very kind of you.”

Remington wasn’t sure he could say his motives were completely selfless. It was an excuse to touch her, if just momentarily and however innocent. Even so, his hand flexed of its own accord, as if they were still connected somehow.

“I am your servant whenever you wish it,” he said with a broad grin. He meant it in a teasing vein, but deep down he knew it wasn’t a full jest. The lady had always captivated him, and although he didn’t expect anything to ever blossom from their acquaintance, he was content with their light conversations.

“Good evening, Lord Osgood.”

She set the ribbons to the mare and he watched as the two moved as one down the thoroughfare. It was when they turned a corner that he reluctantly headed in the opposite direction.

Isadora’s heartwas pounding all the way back to Mayfair. It was the same sensation she’d had when Calliope would jump out of her wardrobe and scare her when they’d all still lived at Marlington Hall. She had despised the way her heart had lodged in her throat then, but although it was no less unsettling now, it was slightly… different when she was around the marquess.