“But surely someday you will wish to take a husband?” Sir James Graham noted.

She studied her cards carefully, and then discarded one. Only then did she lift her gaze and meet his. “And here I thought you were a forward-thinking gentleman when it came to supporting modern causes.”

He looked at her steadily. “I suppose it depends on what you may have heard.”

She glanced at the other two men in their group and made sure to keep her voice even when she said, “I understand there isto be a meeting at the Old Slaughter’s Coffee House next week regarding an issue that I find very concerning, indeed.”

Mr. Montagu snorted. “I see that word gets around London rather quickly. Dare I ask where you obtained this information, Lady Isadora?”

She noted her first trick. “A lady never reveals her sources. If so, then they would surely no longer be of any use.”

Sir James Mackintosh was the next to speak up. “Then pray tell, my lady, what is yer stance on the subject o’ bull-baiting? Don’t tell me that ye havena ever witnessed one first-hand?”

Isadora barely withheld a shudder. “Thankfully, I have not, and I pray I never have to watch the inhumane treatment, not just of the cattle, but of the dogs that are gored by the horns and tossed into the air that some would consider sport. I abhor cockfighting just as much. But it was what I saw in Canterbury that turned my stomach. There was a man getting shoes for his horses at the local blacksmith. When one of the mares attempted to protest, he struck the poor animal with his riding crop until he could hardly lift his arm for the number of hits he inflicted.” She paused to allow her words to sink in. “When it comes to the fair treatment of animals, I am most definitely concerned for their welfare, especially regarding such harsh handling.”

The three gentleman exchanged glances as the card play continued. For a time, the subject was altered to that of the weather and more mundane topics, until the tricks were counted and she laid down her cards with a regretful sigh. “I fear I’ve lost this round, gentlemen.”

As she rose, Sir James Graham stood as well. He reached into his jacket and withdrew a card and handed it to her. “If you are truly as passionate about the rescue of animals, I encourage you to attend that special meeting on Wednesday, Lady Isadora. We could use more bold voices like yours to champion the cause.”

She inclined her head. “Thank you. I shall be there.”

As Isadora walked away victory was rushing through herveins. Not only was this a perfect opportunity to support a cause that was very important to her, but it could potentially open more doors for additional partnerships.

As she put the smoke-filled card room behind her, she did so with a broad smile on her face.

Remington was walkingdown the hall toward the card room when he saw Lady Isadora depart. He frowned curiously. It wasn’t often that single ladies entered a male domain unless they were hopeful to gain something a bit more scandalous. However, while he didn’t think that was true in her case, the smile she wore was quite… arresting. In truth, it transformed her entire face from somber spinster to an enchanting and desirable woman.

Granted, Remington had been struck by her beauty and intelligence since the first time the Earl of Somers had introduced them. Although Rem thought that Grey’s infatuation with Isadora’s sister, Araminta, was nothing more than another passing fancy, he’d proven him wrong by marrying the chit. As far as he knew, they were living life in wedded bliss.

But although all the Bevelstroke sisters had different characteristics and personalities that recommended them, Isadora was something of an enigma. She held herself back, and it had always made him wonder what it took to open her up. Such as, what would it take to make such a broad smile blossom on her face?

She glanced up at that moment, and since they were about to pass each other in the hall, it was politeness that forced them to speak. However, Remington was interested in a bit more. “Dare I ask what could be so amusing about the card rooms?”

Some of her smile dimmed, and he promptly regretted saying a word. “Just a personal victory,” she hedged.

He lifted a curious brow. “I hope you were able to lift some of the weight of the purses from those pompous fools.”

“I regret not, my lord. In fact, I lost.” She shrugged, as if it was of no consequence.

He crossed his arms. “I daresay most women wouldn’t be so pleased about that fact. I take it you aren’t very competitive?”

She looked at him pointedly with those gorgeous gray eyes. “No. It never bothered me to win or lose. I was just content to play the game.”

This time he was the one to grin. “How very diplomatic of you, Lady Isadora,” he murmured.

“I do try,” she returned demurely. She started to move past him.

He turned slightly and called out to her, “Don’t forget that you owe me a dance before the evening is over.”

She paused and said regretfully, “I do apologize, my lord, but I have had enough entertainment for one evening, I believe. I shall be retiring early. Perhaps another time.”

Rem found himself frowning again. Could it be that he was losing his touch with the fairer sex? Although he wasn’t known for being a rake, it wasn’t often that he found himself without female companionship. More than one lady had claimed that he was quite handsome. But then, Isadora was a different sort of lady. She wasn’t interested in courtship, so much as business dealings. However, he would bet money that deep down, beneath that cool exterior, beat the heart of a passionate wanton.

But how could he attempt to uncover that side of her?

He glanced toward the card room and walked over the threshold. Perhaps he would find the answers he sought in the smoke-filled atmosphere, since it was obvious that something of import had occurred here.

He considered where he might start his investigation, but when he saw a gentleman with whom he was familiar, he walked in that direction. “Mr. Montagu.” He bowed at the barrister, who inclined his head and greeted him in kind.