Page 18 of Master Cordell

“Well, I wouldn’t sayeveryemployee worked out.” Devon took a sip of his drink. “There was that one he hired who—”

“Don’t fucking say it,” his brother interrupted with a frown and a low growl. “That’ll just put me in a piss-poor fucking mood and ruin my vacation until I can get my wife naked again. In fact, don’t bring that son of a bitch up in conversation when I’m around ever again.”

Cordell turned to face both men, having realized Tiffany was no longer in sight and had everything under control. His eyebrows lifted in confusion. “Um, something I should know about?”

The two men looked at each other for a moment, communicating silently with their eyes and facial expressions before shaking their heads and replying in unison, “Nah.”

Ian slapped Cordell on the shoulder. “Devon’ll tell you about it some other time when I’m not around to start throwing things. But don’t worry—that was a complete fluke, and it’s highly unlikely it’ll happen again in my lifetime. And since you’re a couple of years younger than me, I’ll probably go before you, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

He still had no fucking clue what the two men were talking about, and honestly, he didn’t care. He needed to go check on Tiffany. Not because he didn’t think she could handle herself, especially after seeing her in action a few minutes ago, but for his own peace of mind.

Oh, who the hell am I kidding?

He wanted to find her, drag her somewhere private, tell her how proud he was of her, and then kiss her like there was no tomorrow. Hell, he’d like to do way more than that, but now was not the time.

More guests were pouring in, and the resort was already in full swing. People were checking out the dungeon, lounges, boutique, spa, pool, and beach, and of course, the Bottoms Up bar and Havana’s Cigar Bar, off the lobby. In addition to the finger-food stations in the bar areas, there was a free lunch buffet being offered at the Locked Inn as well as out by the pool’s tiki bar. Cordell was glad Tiffany had suggested bringing in some of the per diem waitstaff to help with the tables in the bars, since even with extra bartenders on duty, they were working their tails off. He made a mental note to remind tonight’s Dungeon Monitors to watch out for anyone too inebriated to play safely. A drink limit was one of the things that would be difficult to enforce in a resort, as opposed to a private club like The Covenant, Edge, and Club Domain. However, if anyone appeared intoxicated, they would not be allowed in the dungeon. That was another rule the guests and members had to sign off on before coming to the resort.

Aside from the idiot who’d locked himself out of his room, everyone seemed to be having a great time. Cordell told the Sawyer brothers he’d see them later before descending the stairs. Unfortunately, by the time he saw Tiffany exit the elevators, with a satisfied smile on her face, he was on his way to the tiki bar with the resort’s two on-duty EMTs for a guest who’d already gotten too tipsy and fallen into the pool. The lifeguards had assured them over the radio that the woman was stable with a few scrapes on her leg from where she’d slid against the concrete edge on her way into the water.

Cordell couldn’t wait until later when both his and Tiffany’s duties were over and their playtime could begin. Seeing her stand up for herself had been the highlight of his week, and he was looking forward to rewarding her when they were finally alone.

* * *

Once the inaugurationceremony was over, the guests and club members scattered, heading for various pieces of scene equipment, playrooms, or sitting areas where they could just observe what was going on around them. Tiffany, her friends, and the staff had done an amazing job on the black, silver, gold, and white decorations, giving the dungeon a dark but festive atmosphere—the perfect combination for the evening.

Pulsating music flowed through the speakers as the owners, their significant others, and the management staff left the center stage. At the bottom of the steps, Mitch, Ty, Devon, and Ian stopped Cordell and Tiffany. They each shook the manager’s hand before kissing Tiffany on the cheek. Mitch toasted the two with a bottle of water. “We can’t sing your praises enough. I can’t tell you how many compliments we’ve received today about you both, your staff, and the resort itself. A lot of guests have already booked return trips. That was a great idea, by the way, Tiffany—offering a room discount for a future visit if they made the reservation either today or tomorrow.”

Even though she shrugged off the accolade, her broad smile said she was still pleased. “A friend of mine once told me they did that on a cruise she’d taken. I thought maybe it might work here too.”

“Well, it definitely did,” Ian responded. “Cordell couldn’t have picked a better assistant manager. Now, you two are officially off the clock—the night managers have taken over, so go have some fun like the rest of us plan to do.”

Cordell grinned. “You don’t have to tell me twice. My sweet submissive deserves a reward for all the hard work she put in to make today a booming success.” Grabbing her hand, he dipped his chin toward the other men. “Have a great evening.”

“You too,” they responded.

Since he’d already reserved one of the playrooms for him and Tiffany, Cordell led her in that direction while carrying his toy bag. For the first few weeks, at the very least, he didn’t plan to do any public scenes with her where she would end up partially or fully naked. Not until he was certain the staff could separate Tiffany, the resort’s assistant manager, from Tiffany, the submissive. It would take some time for the employees who were still getting to know her and/or were new to the lifestyle to become comfortable receiving orders from her if they’d seen her naked and spanked the night before.

It took them longer than he’d expected to get to the other side of the dungeon to Playroom #18, since they were stopped every few moments by guests and members who wanted to congratulate them or ask a question. But once Cordell had Tiffany behind the closed door, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her sweetly. “That’s for doing a phenomenal job, Pet. Today and all the days leading up to it. Master Ian was right—I couldn’t have picked a better assistant manager. You earned that title in spades. I don’t know if I could’ve pulled this all off without you and your staff. In fact, I think you deserve a raise, but we’ll have to talk to Mitch and Ty about that. In the meantime, I’d like to show you my appreciation in another way that will satisfy us both. Whatta you say, hmm?”

The gratitude combined with lust in her deep-brown eyes nearly brought him to his knees. “I say, yes, Sir, and thank you for the compliments. They mean a lot to me. I have to admit, I’ve been worried I wouldn’t be able to live up to everyone’s expectations of a good manager, but having you trust me and believe in me helped so much. Thank you for that.”

He brushed his lips across hers again. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now, let’s have some fun. We’ll be doing something we haven’t done in a while, but that I know you love—wax play. Any objections?”

Her eyes lit up at the mention of one of her favorite scenes to participate in. “Oh, no objections at all, Sir. Thank you.”

“My pleasure. Strip while I get things ready.” She’d gone shopping in the boutique the day before, with Sasha, Tori, and some of the other women, and was wearing a beautiful burgundy leather corset with black trim over a matching skirt that barely covered her ass. Black ballet slippers covered her feet. It was almost a shame to have her take off the stunning outfit but seeing her nude body would be a hundred times better. Hell, a gazillion times better. If he had his way, she’d spend most of the day naked, but since that wasn’t practical, he’d settle for whenever they were alone.

While Tiffany began to undo the hooks of her corset, Cordell stepped over to a counter with storage cabinets that held all the supplies a Dom might need. Behind one door, he located a large, disposable blanket that he spread out over the floor in the center of the room, away from any of the furniture that might get in his way. The slate-gray vinyl flooring used throughout the dungeon was fireproof and waterproof, but dried wax was a bitch to clean off pretty much anything, so the disposable blankets were the easiest to use. Two pillows, with tissue paper covers that would also be thrown away after the scene was done, were added to the blanket.

Next, he retrieved an extension cord from another cabinet and plugged it into the wall. Before the ceremony had started earlier, he’d gone into the playroom to set up an electric wax melter with six individual cups to heat the wax he planned to use. There were three different types that worked best in BDSM play—shea butter, soy, and paraffin. Each produced a different heat level, letting him work from the coolest to the warmest, depending on his sub’s reactions and which body part he was applying them too. How hot they’d be for her was also determined by how high he held the ladles he’d use when dripping the wax onto her skin. The longer it took for the liquefied wax to reach its target, the more it would cool. Tonight, he’d be using the shea butter wax in several different colors—it was Tiffany’s personal favorite.

After unplugging the appliance, he carefully carried it over to the blanket, set it down, and plugged it in again, this time to the extension cord. From two other cabinets, he retrieved a stainless steel bowl, which he filled in the room’s sink, and a white towel to soak in it. The wet terry cloth would be used to quickly cool any wax that was unintentionally too hot for Tiffany’s skin, reducing the chance of any burns that could blister. There was also a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit affixed to the wall next to the door in every playroom just in case.

There were a few more things he needed, and he quickly grabbed them from his toy bag. One was a knife completely made of wood, sharpened on one side. Later, he would use that to remove the hardened wax from Tiffany’s body without risking accidentally cutting her skin. Another item was a bottle of baby oil which would make the wax removal even easier.

His submissive was already waiting for him, completely naked in all her gorgeous splendor, standing next to the blanket. Her feet were shoulder-width apart, and her hands clasped her forearms behind her back. He stopped behind her, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply for a moment, savoring the enticing perfume she’d worn that mixed with her own unique scent, before kissing the top of her head. “Exquisite as always, Pet. Don’t ever think for a single minute I don’t appreciate your beauty and your submission. I’m humbled by both and treasure them.”

Her voice was low and husky when she replied, “Thank you, Sir.”