“Yes, Ambrose,” Reed acknowledged. “This is Master Cordell and his submissive, Tiffany. They’ve already been informed that they’re not allowed to play in the club.”
“Thank you, Sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master Cordell and Tiffany. Welcome to Edge,” he said to them before turning back to Reed and handing him an iPad and a stylus. “If you’ll just sign them in, Sir, I’ll give them their wristbands.”
Apparently, like The Covenant, the club used wristbands to distinguish between guests who weren’t permitted to play and regular members. Dante had mentioned Edge had over six hundred full-time members, so it was hard to keep track of who was only visiting as a guest.
“Your wrist please, Sir,” Ambrose requested. When Cordell held his hand over the top of the reception desk, the young man eyed his wrist, then selected one of several bands he had in front of him. Cordell noticed they were different from ones he’d seen at various clubs in the past. These were black and resembled fitness bands, but when the two ends met, they clicked together like they were magnetized. “The edges of the band glow red in the low light of the club. You won’t be able to take it off without coming back here to have it removed.” He held up a small device. “This will unlock it when you’re ready to leave.”
Cordell raised his eyebrows at the new technology. “I like that. I have some friends who might be interested in getting them for their own club in Tampa. You wouldn’t happen to know the name of the manufacturer, would you?” They wouldn’t be able to use them at the resort, since half the people there would be visiting guests who had permission to play, but Mitch and his cousins might like to use the technology for The Covenant. Noah Garrison, who owned Club Domain in Vegas, which Cordell and Tiffany were still members of, might be interested in it as well.
As Tiffany held out her wrist and Ambrose checked the size, he said, “Michael Tavares from Tavares Technologies designed them. He’s a friend of Master Braxton, the club’s owner.” Ambrose opened a drawer, retrieved a small card, and handed it to Cordell. “Here’s Michael’s business card, Sir. Master Braxton keeps extras here for anyone who’s interested in the wristbands.”
Cordell tucked the card into the back pocket of his leather pants. “I appreciate it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Sir. Enjoy your evening.”
Reed led the way to a set of double doors, then held one open, allowing his guests to enter first. The dungeon looked like most other upscale ones Cordell had been in, and it felt familiar and comfortable. Their hosts showed them around the vast club. There were the usual public and private venues, a bar, and plenty of sitting and viewing areas. Pulsating music was piped in through a sound system, but it was low enough to still have conversations without yelling. The place was filled with men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes, dressed in a broad variety of fetwear. As in most clubs, it was easy to distinguish between Dominants and submissives by their clothing, or lack thereof, their demeanor, and whether they were wearing a collar or not.
Earlier at the restaurant, when Tiffany had gone to the ladies’ room, Reed had assured Cordell everything was set for her lesson. He’d contacted sixteen Doms he trusted to approach Tiffany. Reed and Dante would be staying with them all evening, so the Doms could easily figure out who Tiffany was without asking.
It didn’t take long for the first Dom to find them as they stood at the bar waiting to give their drink order. The man was taller than Cordell but similarly built. His hair was long enough to brush his shoulders, and he was wearing leather pants and a vest, sans shirt. With his intense gaze and granite jawline, he would definitely intimidate Tiffany. “Hello, little subbie. You must be new here. I’m Master Titus—and you are?”
Tiffany’s eyes widened, and her gaze zipped to Cordell. He wasn’t looking at her but was watching her out of the corner of his eye. Her hand went to her collar as her gaze dropped to the floor, probably hoping the man would realize she was taken and back off. Master Titus reached out and used his fingers to lift her chin as she shrunk into herself. “I expect an answer, little one. Your name, please.”
She was stiff and shivering, and it took everything in Cordell not to pull her into his arms. Titus didn’t move, nor did he remove his hand. “I’m waiting, subbie.”
Her mouth opened, but it was a few moments before she whispered, “My name is ... is T-Tiffany, Sir.”
“That’s a pretty name for a very pretty submissive. Would you like to play with me tonight, Tiffany?”
Again, she looked at Cordell to rescue her. This time, he waited a few beats and then said, “Master Titus asked you a question, Pet. Please answer him.”
She licked her lips, swallowed hard, and stared at him in disbelief for several moments before turning back to the other Dom. “I’m s-sorry, Master Titus, but—but I’m collared by Master Cordell. I-I’m not interested in playing with—with anyone else, Sir.”
Titus smiled broadly and released her chin. “Master Cordell is a lucky man. It was nice to meet you, Tiffany. Have a good evening.”
As the man strode off, Tiffany eyed Cordell warily. He could see she wanted to ask him what that whole thing had been all about. Before she could say a word though, another Dom stepped up to her, clearly a little too close for her comfort because she tried to back away from him. Unfortunately, Master Reed was behind her, blocking her escape as the new Dom introduced himself. “Hello, beautiful. My name is Master Seth. Would you be interested in negotiating a scene with me?”
Again, her hand went to her collar and her gaze shot to Cordell, who ignored her unspoken question and plea. She was still shaking, and her eyes welled up, but the tears didn’t spill over. Master Seth ran his knuckles over her bare shoulder. His touch and expression were gentle but still quite forward. “We could have a good time tonight, if you want.”
Tiffany shook her head. “I-I’m sorry, Sir, but—but I’m here with Master Cordell. I-I’m not available to ... to play with you.”
“I see. And if you were here by yourself, would that make a difference?”
She paused then shook her head even harder. “No—no, Sir. I’m sorry.”
“Honesty. I like that in a sweet submissive. I’ll leave you to your Dom then. Have a pleasant evening.”
When he stepped away, Tiffany’s entire body sagged as she had breathing room again. After a moment, she turned to Cordell, her brow furrowed. “Sir, w-what’s going on? Why are they approaching me when I have a collar on?”
Unable to help himself, Cordell kissed her furrowed brow before answering. “Because it’s time you learned to stand up for yourself when approached and possibly harassed by someone you’re not interested in. I want you to have the confidence you’d started to develop in Vegas but lost again since moving down here. I want you to be able to walk into a roomful of Doms and not flinch or stutter or want to run and hide. You’re doing a fantastic job as the assistant manager of the club, Pet, but I’m afraid when we’re finally open, you’re going to fall back on your bad habits, even while working. Without a doubt, there will be some Doms who’ll be members or guests that will remind you of Whitlow. I want to know you’ll have the courage to face them and put them in their place, if need be, if they start shit while you’re on duty and I’m not around. Not only for yourself, but for the other submissives who’ll be working for us. I know you can do this, and I’m so proud of the way you handled yourself with Masters Titus and Seth. You’ll be approached by quite a few more Doms tonight—some who will push the envelope with you. I’ll make sure none of them go too far, but I’d rather not step in unless you really need me to. Okay?”
As he spoke, the tears that had filled her eyes began to spill over, and he brushed them away with his thumbs as his hands cradled her beautiful face, worried he’d pushed her too far. But then she smiled, and it lit up his world.
God, she loved this man. Not only was he in tune to her fears, but he’d found a logical way to help her overcome them. She wanted the confidence she’d had before Bruce had destroyed it so badly she could taste it, but she hadn’t a clue how to get it back. Sir had figured it out for her.
She’d been terrified when Master Titus and then Master Seth had approached her and had been so forward as to touch her without her or Sir’s permission. Then confusion had been added to the mix when Sir hadn’t ripped their hands off her. But now that she understood what was going on, she could feel her inner strength clawing its way to the surface. And despite the fact she’d stammered, stumbled, and been close to a full-blown panic attack when the two Doms had all but propositioned her, Sir was proud of the way she’d refused their advances without his help.