Page 71 of My Fight

“Remember to smile. We are in love, darling, so let’s show the people what we are all about,” Daniel says, a mask slipping into place as he smiles broadly and the driver opens his door.

Do it for Ivy. Do it for Ivy.

My mantra repeats in my head as I step out of the car and paste a large smile on my face, taking Daniel’s hand and letting him lead the way.

Daniel smiles and waves, and as we walk in, lights are flashing, blinding me. I lift my hand to push my hair back, and the crowd goes wild, more flashes appearing, and I realize it is because they all want a photo of the ring. My heart rate increases as the media scrum starts shouting questions, and I am bewildered as I see Daniel laugh in glee, confirming to everyone that, yes, we are, in fact, engaged. His hand leaves mine and then wraps around my middle, pulling me tight, and the pain from the earlier hits jolts through my body. I suck in my breath as my eyes water slightly.

“Smile for the cameras, darling,” Daniel grits into my ear, although it looks more like he is kissing my cheek. I smile softly, not meeting anyone’s eyes as I look around at the crowd.

Do it for Ivy. Do it for Ivy.

As we step into the venue, Daniel greets a few more men in suits, and then grabs me a champagne from a passing waiter. I don’t drink it, I just carry it around, not wanting to drop my guard, needing to be alert to everything and everyone.

My father and Brian come up to greet us, and soon a photographer is in front of the four of us, snapping away. My father stands next to me, his smile wide as his hand comes around my middle, and I take another sharp breath in as the pain from my beating earlier today pulsates through my muscles again. In this tight dress, it continues to radiate around my torso like a python gripping me into a death hold.

I know how these photos will look. My father will appear like the proud, doting parent, next to his beautiful daughter. I have seen photos like it in the past, but now with an inside view, I know they are all fake. All for show, never for genuine love.

Before too long, we are asked to take our seats and the formalities begin. I smile and nod at the appropriate times, making small talk around the table with the other ladies, all of them admiring my ring and passing on their best wishes.

The night progresses in equal parts slow motion and high speed, and the speeches go on forever until Daniel grabs my elbow, and I escort him to the side of the stage.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to officially announce Daniel Cole will be running for New York Senator!” The announcement is made, and holding hands, we walk onto the stage, like a happy couple. Flashes go off, and the crowd cheer, all the while my stomach curls in on itself. As Daniel takes the podium, I stand like a supportive partner to the side, looking at him like he is my everything, when all I really want to do is run.

Do it for Ivy. Do it for Ivy.

Daniel talks for ten minutes about the city, his plans if elected, and all the hopeful dreams he has, none of which are his own or that he will even implement.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce my beautiful fiancée, Catherine Wakeford,” he says with hearts in his wicked eyes, looking over his shoulder at me. The crowd cheers like I am a celebrity, and not currently in a hostage situation, and I smile and wave like a good politician's wife-to-be.

“Without her constant love and support, I would not be the man I am today, and together we look forward to leading the great state of New York and becoming your senator elect,” he finishes, and I clap along with the rest of the crowd, trying to smile while bile rises in my throat.

As we step off the stage, Daniel receives many pats on the back and handshakes, my father giving me a kiss on the cheek and smiling for everyone as the bright lights beam down on us from above.

I feel overheated, overwhelmed, and I need some space. Grabbing Daniel’s arm, I lean into his ear.

“I need a refreshment break. I will be right back,” I say to him, and his head whips around, nostrils flaring.

“Five minutes,” he says quietly, and I nod, agreeing to the time limit. I smile to everyone and step away from the crowd, making my way to find the bathroom.

Being stopped every three steps for people to shake my hand and offer their best wishes is suffocating me even more, but I smile broadly, thanking them and playing my part.

I see the bathroom and put my head down to avoid any more attention, lifting my gown a little to make a quick dash for it as.

I push through the door and look around, pleased to see it entirely empty, as my walls feel like they are closing in. Leaning over the sink with my head down, I close my eyes and try to concentrate on my breathing, counting to slow down my racing heart.

Do it for Ivy. Do it for Ivy. Do it for Ivy.



I am going to fucking end this motherfucker because as I stand in the room, looking at the grandeur, my eyes hone in on one person and one person only. Cat. Standing right by his side.

She is fucking breathtaking as the lights dance off her face, her hair, her dress, looking sexy as sin and fucking smiling as she stands on the stage, supporting her fucking fiancé.

I watch them from the dark corner of the room, Sebastian and Dante and Nico placed nearby as I survey what is happening. Pulling at the collar of my navy three-piece suit, my black shiny shoes show the reflection of my clear dislike for the man. Us four boys looked like a menacing but well-dressed sight as we walked in tonight. All ticket holders, Sebastian has been working the room quietly, us others hiding in the shadows. We caught the attention of a few people when we walked in, most who looked the other way, and some even hot-footed it to the other side of the room.

And they should run. Because my anger is palatable, and as I watch him up on stage, looking lovingly at her, I decide then and there if I could kill him right now, I would.