Page 22 of My Fight



Sitting in my office, shuffling paperwork, my mind drifts to how much better I’m feeling since taking that class with Maggie. It is astounding what can happen when you step out of your comfort zone, and being amongst other women experiencing a similar issue has opened my eyes.

“What are you thinking about?” Ian asks as he strolls into my office. The afternoon is a little quieter for us, so we are taking the time to talk through rosters for the next fortnight and catch up on work admin.

“What are you talking about?” I shuffle in my desk chair, grabbing some more files from my drawer.

“You just have this faraway look in your eye, one I haven’t seen before.”

“I went to a self-defense class the other night with Maggie.” Might as well tell him all about it.

“Amazing, good for you! How was it?” He sits down, pushing his paperwork to the side as he gets comfortable with his coffee in hand.

“It was fine. Really good, actually. After one class, I already feel more empowered.”

“That’s great, but what aren’t you telling me?” Ian prods, and I sigh. He knows me too well.

“The gym we went to… Maggie booked it… I had no idea..” I start blabbering on, stumbling over my words.

“No idea about what?” Ian asks.

“Carter Grange owns the gym.” I say, looking him dead in the eye as I wait for his reaction.

It takes a minute for him to remember, but I can tell the moment he does because Ian’s eyes go wide and his jaw drops.

“Stop it!” His grin now a mile wide.

“Totally serious, he was, um, how should I put it, very attentive,” I say, and I feel my cheeks heat.

“OMG. As I live and breathe!” Ian flaps his hand near his cheek to mimic cooling himself down. So dramatic. “Doctor Wakeford has a crush!” he exclaims, and I choke on my coffee.

“Stop it, I do not.” I know I am not winning this argument. Why do I bother?

“Your red cheeks tell me otherwise, Cat. Now, when are you going to jump into bed with this Adonis?” Ian asks with a little shoulder dance, and I roll my eyes.

“Stop it. I went to gym class, we talked afterwards, there was nothing to it,” I say simply, and he eyes me with suspicion.

“Again, what else aren’t you telling me?”

I heave a sigh. “Daniel came up to me at the grocery store yesterday.”

“WHAT? He isn’t supposed to be anywhere near you!” Ian practically shouts.

“I know, I know, but a piece of paper is not going to stop him. Anyway, he got all up in my face and started threatening me, and then… Carter stepped in—”

“Carter?! The same Carter?! What?” Ian cuts me off, looking totally bamboozled.

“Yes, Carter was at the store when Daniel approached me, and he stepped in and got rid of him for me.”

“Oh my God. Carter saved you?” Ian asks, totally astonished, just like I was when it happened.

“Yes, I mean, I guess. He was just in the right place at the right time,” I mutter, with a shrug of my shoulders, trying to remain casual, but my insides turn with a mix of feelings I’d rather not address about my situation.

“So Carter Grange is kinda, like, your hero now, then?” Ian says teasingly.

“Oh, it’s nothing. He would have done the same thing for any other woman, I am sure.” I scoff at him.