Page 20 of My Fight

I push my way between them, Cat at my back, and I hear her gasp in surprise. But I see red at the moment. I am staring at him, my face a mere inch from his.

“You like to come into the grocery store and intimidate women?” I growl as my face contorts in rage, my eyes piercing his. I could never protect my mom, but I sure as hell will protect Cat. I notice his nostrils flare, and his eyes flick between me and her.

“Do we have a problem here, or are you going to turn around and walk out and not come back again?” I bite out when he doesn’t respond, wanting nothing more than to punch him out.

He is eyeing me, trying to figure out how much of a threat I am. We are similar in height, but I know that under his khakis and shirt, his body is soft and fatty; he is more of a casual golfer type than a fighter. He gives me a smirk, which has me clenching my hands at my sides. But then I feel her hand, gently placed on my back, and I calm slightly, knowing that she is all right, scared but all right, safely tucked behind me.

The shirt-wearing dickhead takes a step back and smiles, a wide, psychotic smile. “I will see you soon, Catherine. I miss you,” he sing-songs before he walks out of the store. I notice Tony follows him, watching him to ensure he leaves the parking lot.

I turn around, and for the first time, I look at the beautiful woman who is standing behind me. She has her hair tied back in a loose ponytail, some of her hair having fallen around her face, and I can’t help it, my hand comes up and I brush it away.

“You okay?” I ask quietly as my fingers touch her cheek. It is the softest I have ever touched another person. The stark contrast of my punches from this morning to the gentle touches this afternoon is rewiring my brain. I am not sure what I am doing, but I can’t stop it. I am touching her like she is a precious jewel. A rare diamond. And she is.

She is looking at me, her head tilted upward slightly, relief overtaking her face. My thumb caresses her cheek again, looking out of place given the fresh bruising, yet I am itching to cup her face and kiss her. She looks so beautiful in this moment.

“Mommy...” Ivy whispers from behind her, and our eye contact is broken. Cat squats down and hugs Ivy, smoothing her hair as she comforts her.

“It’s okay, honey. He is gone.”

“But he will come back… he always comes back,” she says in a small, shaky voice. Poor Ivy is now a scared little girl, not the same one I met only moments ago. Her comment doesn’t sit well with me. This man, whoever he is, is obviously a problem.

“C’mon, Ivy. I have some new ice cream at the back of the store. I need you to try it and tell me what you think before I stock it,” Tony says, as he walks back to us, reaching out his hand. Cat nods to her.

“It’s okay. I’ll be there in a minute to join you,” she says, and Ivy takes Tony's hand as Cat and I watch them walk down the grocery aisle.

I stand looking at her until she meets my eyes again.

“Just, don’t say anything,” she whispers, looking embarrassed, and I now understand why she is at my gym getting self-defense classes.

“Okay. Do you need—” I begin to say, but she cuts me off.

“Thank you, but I'm fine. It wasn’t the first time he’s come near me, and it won't be the last. It’s fine.” She tries to brush it off with a small, firm smile. One that doesn't reach her eyes. One that I have seen before. Her mask slowly slips back into place. This is the second time I have seen her hide her vulnerability, and my protective instincts are kicking in each and every time.

“What's his name?” I ask her, because I will fucking make sure it is the last time he comes near her.

“Carter…” she warns as she starts to turn back around, trying to put distance between us. I don’t let her. I grab her around the waist and pull her back to me. My breath catches as I wait to see her response. I need to stop touching her. I am no good for her. But every time I see her, my body betrays my mind as I want to get closer.

“I will make sure he doesn’t come near you again,” I promise, and I know she understands what I am saying. She looks up at me, her eyes glassy, and my heart thumps wildly in my chest. I can tell she is trying to be strong. She is still shaking a little, so I squeeze her around the waist and run my thumb across her body. I hear her let go of her breath and her body falls into me. I want to give her the strength she needs, even if just for a moment.

“It’s fine, really. You don’t need to get involved.” Her mouth is saying one thing, but as her hand rests on my chest and grips onto my top, her body is telling me another. Her leaning into me feels like the most natural feeling ever, and I don’t want to move. So, I decide to push my luck.

“Give me your phone.” It’s not a question this time, and she tilts her head inquisitively.

“You’re very demanding today,” she mumbles, and I like to hear her attitude coming back.

“Just gimme your phone,” I say again, softer this time, and she reaches into her handbag and pulls out her cell.

“Unlock it,” I say to her, which enlists another scowl, and I grin as I watch her put in her code, then hand it to me.

“Why, what are you doing?” she asks as she watches me with interest.

“You won’t give me your number, so I am giving you mine,” I grunt out, and I watch her mouth curve into a small smile.

I put in my cell number. A number I have never given out to anyone before.

“Carter, what happened to your hands?” she asks with surprise as I type in my digits, unfortunately noticing the outcome of this morning’s visit.

“Nothing. Just work,” I mumble, keeping my eyes schooled on her phone.