Page 78 of My Fight

I have never had a man to look after me like this before, but I can depend on Carter. He has proven tonight that I can always depend on him.

Standing up before me again, he runs his hands back up over my shoulders and up my neck before cupping my cheeks softly.

“You’re the strongest woman I know,” he says, admiration in his eyes. It’s not the first time he says it, but right now I sure don’t feel that way.

I huff, and rolling my eyes. “Look at me, Carter. I am hardly a tough soldier,” I say, as I lean my face into his cupped hands.

“You’re also beautiful and sexy as sin,” he says with a small grin, which I return, my hands grabbing him around the middle. I lean against him, hugging him to me.

“I never want you to let me go,” I say honestly, feeling more vulnerable than I ever have.

“Good, because I never will. I don’t plan on ever leaving you or Ivy. Ever.” As he kisses the top of my head, I smile against his chest and squeeze my eyes tight, wanting to bury myself into him and never come out.

“Let me help you get in the bath. You relax, and I will go and sit with Ivy. I will keep the door ajar in case she wakes up,” he says, as he guides me into the tub, holding my hand as I step in and sink into the water and close my eyes.

As he leaves the room, I see he has a candle lit to create ambiance, the door remaining open a little, and for the first time in the last twenty-four hours, I am alone. I take a deep breath, then release the tears I have been holding, letting the stress go.


“Where are you going?” I ask Carter in the morning as I see him up and dressed. He slept holding Ivy and I all night. Ivy woke up in the earlier hours, and after a few tears, she went back to sleep in my arms. Carter never left. But now, in the bright light of the day, I watch him as he sits on the armchair and ties his boots.

“I need to go and sort a few things out. But the girls are here,” he says as he stands and walks over to the bed.

“I won’t be long. Annie has brought over some food. Her and Goldie are downstairs, and Maggie and Ian just arrived,” he says, cupping my cheek with his hand.

“Maggie and Ian?” I say, startled, because I haven’t thought about Maggie. I was too busy concentrating on Ivy.

“Sebastian sent the private jet to pick them up early this morning. They know most of what happened, but both are keen to see you. It was hard to keep Maggie out of my room all morning, to be honest.” He smiles, eyes glistening, and my heart booms in my chest.

“What time is it?” I ask, sitting up, careful not to wake Ivy, although she is stirring.

“It is 11am.”

“11am!” I almost screech in shock. “Why didn’t you wake me earlier?” I start to move out of the bed, wrapping a blanket around myself.

“I wanted you to get some sleep; it was a rough night. Maggie brought you some fresh clothes, the bag is in the bathroom. There are fresh towels in there too, so take a shower and relax for a minute. I will send Maggie up when I leave,” he says, standing in front of me, gripping my waist, as he likes to do.

I rub my face. “Carter, I don't know how to...” I begin to try to thank him for everything, knowing that words are not possible, but he cuts me off.

“Don’t. Don’t say it.” I can’t just not address it.

"But, Carter, you literally took a bullet for me!” I gape up at him, then look at his arm, seeing no signs of any damage under his top. Yet, I still feel remorseful for the wound that I caused.

“I would do it all over again for you in a heartbeat,” he says gently as his hands brush my cheek. “Seeing you next to him last night at the gala, seeing you in the penthouse last night, and seeing your body purple today, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure you are safe, make sure Ivy is safe." His expression is pained, his eyes flicking over to my daughter who is still sleeping.

“I promised you I wasn’t leaving you again and I am not. I promised you I would keep you safe and protected, and I didn’t. That is going to eat at me for the rest of my life. But I love you, Cat. I’m in love with you.”

“I love you, Carter!” I blurt out, needing him to understand that he means the world to me. When I told him I loved him at the gala, I thought I might not ever see him again. Now, to be here with him, to hear those words from his lips, I can’t contain my emotions. I watch him as he takes a breath, relaxing into my embrace. “I love you too, Carter, so much.” I repeat, a little quieter, my eyes watering.

He looks at me seriously, the most serious I think I have ever seen him, before he moves suddenly, pulling me to him and smashing his lips into mine. Licking my bottom lip, I open for him, his tongue darting to tangle with mine. My body melts into his as he holds me up, the feeling of knowing I can always lean on him, sending butterflies through my stomach. His hands wrap gently around me, giving me the comfort to know I am always safe and loved with him.

“Gee, what a sight to wake up too...” Ivy says groggily but sarcastically from the bed beside us, and we both pull away and look at her. Her smile is wide and bright, and Carter leans over and gives her a peck on the nose. “Love you too, Little Cub,” he says with a grin as she rubs her eyes.

“You girls freshen up. I will let everyone know you will be downstairs in a bit and to get the coffee and donuts organized,” he says as he starts to turn from us, clearly on a mission for whatever he needs to do this morning.

“Carter?” Ivy asks, and he turns swiftly to look at her, as do I, because we both hear concern in her voice.

“Yeah, Little Cub?”