Page 66 of My Fight

I never knew it could be like this. The boys call me pussy-whipped, and Benji thinks it is hilarious that I have actually found a woman who wants to be with me, but if I am truly honest with myself, I did not expect this and did not think my life would ever be filled with this type of sexual appetite for one person. I am permanently hungry only for her.

We finish up in the shower, and I walk out to the kitchen to get the coffee going while Cat gets ready for work. As I do, there is a knock at the front door.

“That’s Maggie!” Cat yells out from the bedroom.

“I’ll get it!” I say before moving to the front door and opening it.

“Hey, Cat, I just have to—” Maggie starts, not expecting me to be the one at the door.

“Sorry! Hey, Carter,” she corrects herself, looking a bit embarrassed.

“Hey, Mags, you coming in?” I ask her as I grab Ivy and hoist her up for a hug.

“Hey, Little Cub.”

“Hey, Carter!” Ivy says in glee, her little arms wrapping around my neck, squeezing me tight.

“Sorry, Carter, tell Cat I will catch her later. I am late for my morning meeting. Bye, Ivy! I’ll see you at soccer practice later!” Maggie waves to us, and I hold Ivy in my arms as we close the door and go back for breakfast.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Cat says to Ivy as she takes her from my arms, giving her a big hug before planting her on the kitchen stool.

“Breakfast?” Cat asks me as I sit on a stool next to Ivy.

I shake my head, knowing that I need to go home and pack. I have barely been in my apartment since coming back to Philly, my life firmly revolving around the gym and my fight, and then being here with the girls. My mood sours as I’m reminded I’ll be away from them, as I watch Cat get busy in the kitchen, grabbing a coffee.

“I’ve gotta leave this morning, Little Cub, but I will be back,” I say to Ivy quickly and notice Cat watching the exchange from the other side of the bench.

“You promise you’re coming back, Carter? We had an agreement.”

“I promise, Ivy, you can’t get rid of me that easily. Besides, we’re best friends, right?” I say as I pull the necklace out from under my top, and her eyes light up with a smile.

My face falls for a second, and I look at Cat quickly before looking back at Ivy.

“You call me Ivy, for anything. Even just to tell me a random animal fact you learned at school or something. Doesn’t matter what it’s about, you can always call.”

“Okay, Carter. I will,” she agrees, and even though she doesn’t say it, I know she is sad that I am going. I watch Ivy for a moment, and she looks at me. “Carter, did you know that hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards?”

“No, Ivy, I did not know that,” I reply with a smirk as I shake my head. This kid is a walking internet search.

When I look at Cat, her face says it all. She is scared, and I know she doesn’t want me to go, but like the amazing woman she is, she is not asking me to stay because that is a decision I am not sure I am ready to make yet. Choosing her over Sebastian is not something I have thought about a lot, but when Sebastian calls, I go. That is the way it has always been. But she is becoming a very big part of my life, one I hope only grows, so what that means for the future, I can’t yet determine. For right now, I need to live life like I always have, and that means working between two cities for a while.

I catch her eye, and she gives me a smile, again trying to reassure me she will be all right. It’s the doctor in her, always looking after everyone else, and pushing herself to the side. I see her do it, with Ivy, with me. Something else I hope to remedy in time. I want to show her that she matters more than anything.

“Okay, I gotta head out,” I say reluctantly, standing, which prompts Ivy to jump up and give me a big hug.

“Bye, Little Cub.” I hug her back tightly.

“Bye, Bear,” she says, and I grin, looking at her in question.

“Bear?” I ask.

“Yeah, you're like a big cuddly teddy bear,” she says with a smile, and I hear Cat laugh behind her. I can’t say anyone has ever called me a teddy bear before.

“Be good for your mom, okay?” She nods, and I walk over to Cat.

“Bye, baby. You call me, for anything.” I say, wrapping my arms around her. “Don’t hesitate, not for a second, okay?” I take a serious tone, looking her in the eye, wanting to ensure she understands I am still here for her, even though I will be miles away.

“Okay, but don’t worry, we will be fine.” I tighten my grip around her and kiss the ever-loving fuck out of her.