Page 5 of My Fight

Ian rushes out after her and Benji stalks over to the bed, a stupid smirk on his face.

“Fuck, she told you!” he says as he starts to laugh. Like she didn’t just pull the same shit with him.

“Shut the fuck up,” I grit out as I lie back down, easing my head on the pillow.

I hate hospitals, I hate doctors, and I fucking hate perfect princesses who probably survive on daddy’s money and live their perfect fucking lives in perfect mansions, with perfect gardens, all behind a perfect fucking white picket fence.

I bet she has a boyfriend named Chad. I silently fume to myself, while Benji gets busy calling Nico to fill him in on the latest.

Closing my eyes, I just want this night to be over with.



I pace back to the nurses’ station, my heart thumping out of my chest. Usually, when the hectic atmosphere of the hospital envelopes me, it’s like a warm hug, making me feel secure. But right now, my happy place is doing nothing to calm me down. I suck in deep breaths as I sign off on the forms to get Carter into a scan and then admitted. As the staff move in an organized chaos around me, I am thankful they pay little attention to me and what my body is doing.

Carter Grange is something.

The minute I walked into that examination room, I felt an energy unlike anything else. I can’t explain it, but whatever it was, it was rolling off Carter in tsunami-like waves as he sat on the edge of the bed, head down, in nothing but a pair of shorts, which hid nothing. His body is truly spectacular; he has muscles in places I’ve only ever seen in my medical academia books. Every inch of him is carved to perfection and covered in ink. I like tattoos, although I don't have any myself. To be honest, I haven’t really seen that many, only a few on some patients over the years.

From his shoulders down his torso, his body is a masterpiece, and all I wanted to do was keep exploring. That’s when I pulled my hands back from him like they touched fire. I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep or if I need another coffee, but touching a patient’s body even a moment more than necessary is so unbelievably unprofessional. I am the Head of ER. There are protocols, rules, regulations. What is wrong with me! I have never had a reaction like that before.

It was not my finest hour, that is for sure.

Maybe it is the fact that the only place I see men is here at the hospital. Maybe I need to get out more?

My ex, Daniel, was my last and only intimate partner and he is the typical prep school prototype. Not a hair out of place, not a feather ruffled, and certainly no tattoos. But seeing them on Carter tonight… I needed to escape that room before I melted into a puddle right in front of him.

And his hungry, unwavering eyes on me didn’t help matters either.

Ian steps up beside me. “Do you need a cool drink of water to quench that thirst?” he asks with a bit of sass. I raise my eyebrow at him, trying to remain stoic.

“Oh, c’mon,” he whispers. “The two of you were eye-fucking each other so hard I got pregnant.” I hit him in the arm with the stack of papers I’m holding while looking around to see who heard him. Thank God everyone is too busy.

“Seriously, he is a patient. You know I can’t go there.” Keeping my head down, I finalize the paperwork.

“The pink blush of your cheeks tells me otherwise...” he murmurs, and I roll my eyes. “I'm not sure how you can be so professional around an Adonis like him without losing your mind. Give me those forms so I can wheel him down to the scan team. I am happy to take him off your hands,” he adds playfully, his eyes searching me, obviously trying to assess what my true feelings are. Which is completely understandable after just witnessing his boss being thrown a little off kilter by a patient. He's aware that’s very unlike me.

I stack the small pile of papers on the desk to get them in order and hand them over to Ian with a smirk.

“It is easy to be professional because I am a professional, Ian.” I swivel around to face him, trying my best to erase the vision of a half-naked Carter Grange from my mind. My stern face is in place, to remind me that he is just another patient and I am his doctor.

“Who is this Dante person you all keep talking about anyway?” Ian asks as he looks through the paperwork, and I stiffen.

“A mutual friend. Someone from New York.” I wave my hand a little, trying to remain impassive, while also taking another look around to ensure no one is in earshot of our conversation.

He glances up at me and his eyes widen slightly. “Don’t say some more bad history? Anything to do with your ex?” he asks, and I shake my head. Ian knows all about Daniel. He knows everything that happened and why I am in Philly.

“How long has it been since you’ve heard from him?” All playfulness is gone from his expression, replaced by concern, his eyes boring into mine for full honesty.

“Too long,” I answer. “Lately, I feel uneasy about it. I know he is going to come and find me soon, and I am not looking forward to that.” Ian is the only one who knows about my history at work, and I plan to keep it that way. I don’t need to be the hot news and I certainly don’t need anyone's pity.

“Well, you do have a restraining order against him so that might keep him away?” Ian offers, and while my lips turn upward at him, it is not a true smile.

“Nothing will keep him away. He is a rich, pompous jerk who has always gotten whatever he wants.” Taking a breath, I shake my head from that spiral. “Anyway… do you want security to escort you down to the scan room? His friend seemed a little agitated.”

Luckily, Ian lets me get away with the subject change.