Page 48 of My Fight

And I never want him to let me go.



After holding her for over an hour last night, I did the right thing and let her leave with Maggie. But only because Maggie told me that both Cat and Ivy have a day off from work and school today. As I look up and see the bright morning sun, I am glad something is going right for me for once.

I ring the doorbell and wait.

“Carter?” I hear her voice and look at the camera. I didn’t tell her I was coming; I wanted it to be a surprise.

“I brought coffee and donuts,” I say as I lift the paper bag up.

“But you don’t eat donuts, Carter!” Ivy’s voice yells across the intercom, and I smile as the familiar click of the door latch tells me to come in.

Walking through the foyer, her front door opens, and there both my girls stand. Beautiful and breathtaking, both in denim cut-offs and fresh white shirts, hair shining to perfection like they are from a luxury goods commercial.

“What flavor?” Ivy asks, and I hand her the bag, which she takes and runs of with.

“Morning,” Cat says, a small blush coming to her cheeks.

“Morning, Cat. Here. This is for you,” I say as I pass her a coffee, and at the same time, I lean in and kiss her cheek. I really want to strip her down and worship every inch of her, but I am taking this slow, trying to do the right thing this time, showing restraint for the first time in my life.

“Thanks. Come in,” she says as she steps back from the door, and I follow her inside. In the brightness of the day, I get another look at her immaculate home, now even more inviting. The sun beams in from the skylights that run the length of the room, and in the kitchen, Ivy sits up at the bench, a donut already half eaten.

“They any good?” I ask her as I lean against the bench next to her.

“Mmmhmmm,” she says with a mouthful of the tasty treat, sugary speckles now covering her chin and lips.

“So, are you ready?” I ask, looking between them both as I take a sip of my coffee, trying to act cool and collected.

“Ready for what?” Cat asks, furrowing her brows, and I smile.

“The zoo.” Ivy’s eyes widen.

“The zoo?! Are you taking us TO THE ZOO!” she screams in delight, jumping off the stool, her donut all but forgotten.

“Well, it’s a beautiful day, and I have it on good authority that you both have today free, so…” My words drift off as I shrug innocently and look at Cat who is standing in complete shock.

“Mom, can we go? Pleeeeease?” Ivy says, hopping from one foot.

“Oh my God, Carter! Look what you’ve done,” Cat says, her smile wide, as she laughs at her daughter, and it is the best fucking sound in the world. One I wasn’t sure I would get to hear again.

“I’m taking that as a yes?” I ask, to which Cat nods, before squatting down to Ivy’s height.

“Go get ready. Comfy shoes, okay? We’re gonna be walking a lot today.” Instead of running down the hall to her room, she runs straight into me, slamming her small body into mine. The force shocks me a bit, the little thing having some power in her, which makes me laugh. Luckily, I have enough time to grab her before we both topple onto the floor on impact.

“Thank you, Carter! You can spend every day with us from now on, as long as you bring donuts and we go to the zoo!! This is the best day ever!” She jumps out of my arms and runs to her mother.

“Mom, I think we need to keep Carter around. I like him.” She’s attempting to whisper, but I can hear every word, my smile now plastered on my face.

“We’ll see, honey. Why don’t you go and get ready,” Cat says, her smile matching mine, and we both watch as Ivy runs down the hall to her room.

“How did you know that we were home today?” Cat asks me as I stand and walk toward her.

“I spoke to Maggie last night. I decided that you both probably need a little bit of fun in your life, and you’re safe with me to do just that.”

“About last night...” she starts to say, running her hand through her hair. We haven’t talked about what happened. She cried, I held her, and then I delivered her back to Maggie who took her home.