Page 42 of My Fight

I hit the Philly outskirts after having cleaned things up in New York. There are two weeks left before I meet Big Dom, and after pushing myself and my anger out into my training day after day, I think I am the fittest I have ever been. It comes with sacrifice, of course, but the biggest sacrifice has been not seeing her.

Something I want to change.

And that’s exactly why I’m back.

After my brief conversation with Ivy yesterday, I feel unsettled. I barely slept last night and want to get back to her as quickly as possible.

As I stop at a red light, my cell vibrates, and I take a quick look to see that it is a text from Benji. He doesn’t know that I am back yet, and I purposely made it today because I know Cat is at the gym. I thought I would go straight there to feel her out and see how she is.

Benji: She’s here

Cater: Good to know

Benji: Something happened

I bristle at that, and as the light remains red, I hit the call button, needing to know what the fuck Benji is talking about.

I don’t even wait for him to answer. “What happened?” The traffic moves, and I am now impatient as I drive a little faster toward the gym.

“She said not to tell you,” Benji says to me, speaking quietly.

“Well, you’re sure as fuck gonna tell me now, Benji?” I know he has a soft spot for her, but how the hell did he expect me to react to that message?

“She came in for the class, and as I checked her and Maggie in, I noticed her face is bruised,” Benji tells me with hesitation, and my stomach drops.

“What the fuck, Benji?” I grit out, barely hanging on to my anger as I speed up, now only twenty minutes from the gym.

“When I saw her, I thought her face looked a little odd on one side, so I walked around the front desk to get closer. Someone fucking hit her. There’s no doubt about it,” he grits out. He is as protective of her as I am.

“Who?” I bark as my temper rises.

“She didn’t say. She waved me off. And when I told her you wouldn’t be happy, she said not to tell you.” Well, if that doesn’t just piss me off and break my heart at the same time.

“Is she okay?” I can’t help feeling like I am to blame. I should have been with her. I should have been there.

“She’s seems fine. She is doing the class now,” he replies, and I know he is watching her for me. I am glad to have someone like Benji in my corner.

“I will be there in fifteen mins.”

“You’re here?” he asks, sounding surprised, but happily so.

“Yeah, I came home to make things right,” I admit to him.

“Good. About time. See you soon.”

I end the call and continue speeding through the streets, itching to see her.

I walk into the gym just as her class finishes, and I wait at the front desk with Benji. As I watch her, I know she hasn’t spotted me yet, not expecting me to be here. She looks beautiful, flushed from her class, immaculate in every way, and I hone in on her face. How I’ve gone weeks without being this close to her, I don’t fucking know. Her glowing skin, sparkling brown eyes, pouty, cherry red lips… and then my gaze lands on her cheek and I see what Benji was talking about. Blue and purple marks her skin lightly, like it has been a few days, and it is starting to fade. Under makeup, you may not even notice, but tonight, when she is almost makeup-free, it’s clear to see.

As she and Maggie head to the front of the gym, I step out in front of them. She looks up and gasps, stopping short, eyes wide. I notice Maggie giving me the death stare, and I look at her, remorse covering my face. I plead with my eyes for her to let me speak with her sister. Letting her know that I fucked up and will do better. Thankfully, she understands, nodding in acknowledgement, before I notice her squeezing Cat’s hand.

“I’ll just wait over here,” she says, walking to the side to stand with Benji, giving us some privacy.

“Come to my office,” I demand of her in the softest tone I can manage, not wanting any eyes on us.

“No,” is all she says, quickly and confidently.

“No?” I ask her, tilting my head as I look around at prying eyes.