Page 41 of My Fight

From what I can gather, he’s still in New York, doing mob things. I don't even want to think about what he gets up to because I have enough of my own shit to worry about.

We walk up to the front desk, Benji on duty, like he is every week.

“Hey, ladies,” he says with a smile, which evaporates as he inspects my face. Clearly, my makeup from today has worn off, and the bruising is more prominent than what I was hoping it would be.

“What happened to your face, Doc?” he asks, stepping around the front desk and walking up to me for a closer look.

“Oh, nothing, Benji. It’s nothing.” I swat him away, not wanting to get into the fact that I have nothing but asshole men in my life.

“You’re Carter's girl. Of course, it is my business. Does he know?” Benji says in response, looking extremely unhappy that I am not more forthcoming. But what he says throws me totally off kilter.

“I am not Carter's anything.” The words burn my throat. My body wants that to be a lie as much as I do.

“He is not going to be happy about this when I tell him,” Benji says, shaking his head.

“Well just don’t tell him, then,” I huff out and grab Maggie by the arm, leading her past Benji and over to the mats to start our class.

I am exhausted after meeting my lawyer, Donovan, today. I worked from home this morning because a bruised face doesn’t sit well with patients, then Donovan came over to talk through some specifics on the legal ramification of separating myself and Ivy from Daniel. So now, I feel drained.

Maggie and I met with him initially and both liked him immediately. He has fantastic credentials, a great track record, and although he admits it is going to be tough to get someone like Daniel away from Ivy and I permanently, he was willing to take my case.

Since then, we have been meeting regularly, either at his office, a coffee shop, or my place, going through my history, which is long and intense. Every time he takes notes, asks more questions, and together we strategize and create a plan of action.

“How was your meeting with Donovan today?” Maggie asks as we both take a seat on the mats.

I rub my eyes, trying to will the exhaustion away. “It was fine. There is still so much to do. It’s honestly really overwhelming. I just don’t know how we’re going to be able to get out of Dad and Daniel’s clutches now with this politics mess.” Maggie nods.

“You know what it is like. Media attention is not welcome in medicine. All senior doctors need to have a clear record, and as soon as Daniel and my father know I started legal proceedings to remove myself and Ivy from their lives forever, it is going to turn nasty. If what Dad says is true, and Daniel runs for senator, then the press will be all over it. There is a possibility that I will lose my job.” I look at her, pained even from the thought.

“I know. But if that happens, there are so many other options for you. You know that, right? Isn’t it better to be away from them, working somewhere else? I know medicine has been your life, but for the sake of your safety and happiness, you may have to give it away.” It's true. I would give up my career in an instant to have a safe, happy life with Ivy.

“There’s just so much happening at once. Dad wants me back with Daniel to help his political career, but removing myself from them both will be political suicide for them. They are not going to take it lightly. The sooner I can get the paperwork filed, the better it will be, because it will all be out in the open and then they can’t stop it.”

As we wait for the class to begin, I look over at Benji, drilling him with my eyes. What does he mean when he says I am Carter’s girl? Carter threw me away so quickly my head spun. I mean nothing to him.

Carter. My eyes gaze upstairs to his office door, which has been shut for weeks. Unfortunately, the door to my thoughts about him has not. That door is open 24/7, regardless of how much I’d like to close it for even just a damn hour.

Maggie squeezes my hand, and my eyes flick to hers. She gives me a soft smile, already knowing what I am thinking.

“C’mon, let’s get this class started.” Maggie stands as our trainer comes out to begin. “Better than sitting around moping like a lost puppy,” she teases.

“I am not,” I grumble as I stand and join her. She looks at me, then up to the closed office door, and back to me.

“Gee, it must have been hot to still have your panties in a twist about this. I have never known you to be so caught up in a guy,” Maggie says, shaking her head, half teasing, half in awe.

I roll my eyes. “Oh, please. I have the worst taste in men, and there’s only been two. I think I need to stay single for the rest of my life.”

Maggie chuckles when I huff, before glancing over at Benji again. He’s now on the phone, but his eyes are locked in on me. “Looks like trouble is brewing over there,” she says as she nods toward Benji, the two of us now assuming he must be speaking to Carter. I wonder if he even cares.

“I can’t wait for the day when trouble doesn’t follow me. It must be nice to have a stable, normal life,” I say to her wistfully.

“Nah, what’s the fun in that!” Maggie shoves me with her shoulder, and we both get started on the lesson.

God knows I need to learn to defend myself now more than ever.

