Page 23 of My Fight

“Oh, let’s be honest, Carter Grange is not nothing. He is EVERYTHING!” Ian exclaims, and we both burst out laughing at the silliness of it all.

“Seriously, though, even though I will admit there is a strong chemistry there when we are together, and I can’t stop thinking about him, I just don’t think it would ever work.” I chew my lip, having let the cat out of the bag. Now that Ian knows I’m interested, he won’t be letting it go any time soon.

“Cat, we are talking about having sex, not getting into a lifelong commitment with the guy. Just have some fun, live a little. You deserve it,” Ian says softly, and I give him a weak smile.

“Maybe…” But one-time things are not really my style. In fact, I don’t know what my style is because I haven’t been with anyone aside from Daniel.

“Definitely, Cat, because I have a feeling that Carter Grange could make you feel otherworldly, if you know what I mean.” He winks, not once, but twice, and I roll my eyes at him, shaking my head.

“Let’s get these done, shall we.” I pull the stack of papers front and center, signifying the end of our chit-chat. I don’t have the strength to tell Ian that I don’t know. I don’t know what it is like to feel otherworldly, as Ian puts it. Daniel never made me feel anything but less than. My father continues to tell me I am worthless. I have never had a man in my life that treats me like I am his everything, and so I have no idea what Carter Grange is capable of. But a part of me really wants to find out.

An hour later, our paperwork is done, rosters are confirmed, and I have approved a few more deliverables on the new building. I feel accomplished as Ian and I both stand to leave. He has another hour on his shift, but I am on my way home for the day.

As I step over to grab my coat, my office phone rings, and Ian leans over the desk to answer it.

“Doctor Wakeford’s office, this is Ian,” he chirps in his professional phone manner. I smile to myself at having such great employees, before my smile fades as Ian looks at me in shock.

“Certainly, I will let her know.” Ian’s eyes don’t leave mine, and I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. He hangs up without saying goodbye, and I take a few steps over to him.

“What is it?” I ask him as he puts the phone back down.

“That was a man called Benji,” Ian says, and I don’t need to think too hard, because I only know one Benji.

“And?” I say, confused about what is going on. Why the hell would Benji be calling my office.

“And he is requesting your services at the gym. Carter needs his stitches checked after taking a few punches to the head in training today.” His shocked face slowly morphs into a wide shit-eating grin.

“What?” My brows crease together, as I try to piece together what the hell is going on.

“Well, it appears that Carter Grange requires your services and has called to see if you will make a house call to him at his gym,” Ian states again as he moves past me to grab my coat from the hook on the back of my door. “So, now that your shift is over, best you grab your medical kit and drive on over to the gym. See if you can’t help the man.”

“Oh my God, are you serious? I haven’t done house calls in years!” I absentmindedly put on my jacket, regardless.

“Honey, when a man like Carter Grange calls, you don’t question it. You run.” Ian hands me my bag, basically pushing me out the door.


“Look, Cat, I would LOVE it if I had a cute little nurse’s uniform to give you, but I don’t. So put on your big girl panties and go and show that guy what you’ve got because he is asking for you, and you my dear are a catch,” Ian says, his tone the perfect mix of playful and business, as we step out into the hall.

“But I…” I stammer, still bewildered and not at all ready for what could possibly happen.

“But nothing, Cat. Remember, you don’t have to marry the man, just get to know him, have a little fun. You deserve it.” He keeps talking as he walks me straight to the staff exit, then opens the door for me, sending me off.

I turn around to say something else, but Ian only lifts an eyebrow at me.

“Go!” he says forcefully, a small grin on his face.

“Fine! I’m going!” I say, before turning and walking down the hall to my car, trying to work out if I have got what it takes to seduce a man like Carter Grange, yet letting my body lead the way anyway.



I am hot and sweaty, but my training session today is on point. Benji has been barking orders to everyone, but now I am in the ring, thrashing it out with my sparring partner to ensure my fitness levels don’t drop.

I spend hours a day on fitness, working on agility, flexibility, weights, and boxing. My diet is clean, my mindset is strong, and I am in the zone.

“C’mon, Carter, you’ve got more than that!” Jamie, my partner, yells at me, egging me on, and I pay him well to do so. There are not many men who would willingly step into the ring with me. I tried Benji once, and that was a disaster. One that left him with a broken nose because he didn’t duck and weave like he was supposed to. Now he sticks to watching from the sidelines.