Page 12 of My Fight

“Mom, did you know that in the olden days, they used beetles to make red lipstick?” she asks me, and I feel that it is too early for her fact sharing, but I nod and smile at my wondrous child before my eyes flick to Maggie in question. She shrugs. I have no idea how Ivy remembers all these animal facts, but she blurts them out all day, any chance she gets. She enjoys learning new things; reading every night, watching a lot of animal documentaries on TV, talking to anyone and everyone. One day, I even saw her flicking through the newspaper, looking like her late grandmother.

“Sounds… interesting?” I say with a smile, before watching her run back down the hallway to get ready for her soccer match.

I sigh as I watch her, taking another sip of coffee. My precious girl, who I would do anything for, including keeping her away from the man who should love her the most. The pressure I feel to keep everything together mounts at the thought. I take a deep breath, willing the tears to remain hidden, and that quickly turns into a yawn.

“You work too hard. I'm worried about you,” Maggie says to me quietly as she steps up behind me, rubbing a soothing hand over my shoulder.

“This crazy life I have is normal to me, so I just get on with it. What choice do I have?” There’s no use in getting caught up with what ifs. This is my reality.

“You moved here so that you and Ivy could be safe, but that hasn’t stopped Daniel,” Maggie states, concern etched in her brow.

“Ivy is safe. He won’t touch her.”

“I know. He doesn’t care about her; he doesn’t want her. But what about you? He wants you. His verbal attacks have escalated, and I am not going to lie; it is frightening me,” Maggie presses, and she is right. It is frightening, but I can just take each day as it comes right now.

“I’m fine. Having Ivy safe is my main priority, so please don’t worry about me.” I wave her off, really not wanting her to be concerned for me. She has enough going on, she doesn’t need my stress added to it.

“But I do, and I know it has been a few months, so Daniel is most likely going to show up soon. I want you to be protected… so I got you this.” She reaches for an envelope I didn’t notice and hands it to me.

I open it up and look at the paper inside. It’s a sign-up sheet for 10 self self-defense classes at a gym I haven’t heard of on the edge of the city. I look up at her with questioning eyes.

“His behavior is escalating. When you were together, he trapped you financially, was verbally abusive to you, and I know even though you haven’t told me, that he has been physically tough to you too. He is crazy, Cat, and he will keep going, keep pushing, until he wins. I am really scared of what will happen. I want you to be armed with everything you can be in case he ever tries to touch you again.” Maggie has tears in her eyes, but she continues.

“You are my older sister. You carry everything. You have excelled at your career and have done such a great job with Ivy. Dad is too concerned with getting you and Daniel back together, to even contemplate what he does is wrong, so us girls need to stick together. I want us to be prepared.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I murmur, lost for words. I am thankful that she looks after me, but I’m upset by the fact I have to learn to defend myself at all.

I lean across the table to hug her. “Thanks, Maggie.”

“I am always here for you, always,” she whispers.



It has been a few days now since I discharged myself from the hospital. The swelling in my face has completely gone, my bruises are lightening, and the pain in my ribs has decreased. I wish I could say the same thing for my cock, which has been permanently hard since I met Doc on Saturday night. My new habit of daydreaming has continued, despite the lack of medication in my system. Cold showers are now a daily occurrence, anything to get the vision of her face out of my head or the way I want her pretty, pouty mouth wrapped around my cock.

I have been doing light training, nothing too strenuous, but I need to start prepping for the next fight, regardless of how I’m feeling, both mentally and physically.

Leaning back into my office chair, Nico sits opposite me after arriving in Philly this morning.

“Tomorrow you should start reviewing footage of his previous five fights, so we can look for his tells and his most repeated actions. Learn where to hit hard and when,” Nico states, as the faint pounding of fists connecting with punching bags in my gym below sneaks through my office walls.

Benji is on duty in the gym tonight, because it is self-defense night. He stations himself at the reception desk and signs in every female that walks in, knowing that some of them are too scared to even step through the doors in the first place. Whilst he is big and burly and somewhat intimidating, he knows how important these classes are for the women in our community, so he puts on a smile and ensures every woman feels comfortable and confident once they sign up for some sessions.

“Big Dom is going to come at me with everything, but I got him, don’t worry, Nico.” Although the fight will be one of the tougher ones of my career, it will be nothing I can’t handle.

I plan to get the jump on him early. I know how he fights; I have seen a few and heard a lot. He can only win if I drag the fight out, which is what I normally do for entertainment value—and because I am a sick bastard that likes to toy with my opponents. But Big Dom needs to go down hard and fast, so I won't be making this fight a spectacle. The promoters won't be getting their usual song and dance from me. It’ll hopefully be a one-and-done kind of fight.

I also haven’t voiced my thoughts on this potentially being my last fight, otherwise they’d be blowing this fight up even more than they already are. I’d rather not have the questions of why, or the pressures to continue. My body just isn’t what it used to be, and it will be good to ease off a little, I think. Keep my mind more focused on the gym and what Sebastian needs from me in New York. Between the two, it keeps me busy, and although I love to fight, it’s seeming like time to step aside.

“Shit is heating up in New York. Things are moving, business is going well, but we have some issues that are arising,” Nico says with deep concern.

I am about to ask Nico to elaborate, when Benji bursts through the door, eyes wide and his mouth gaping like a fish.

“What?” I stand quickly, ready for what I’m sure is a problem. The shock on his face has me up in arms.

“She’s here!” he shrieks.