Page 39 of My Destiny

“Leo. You can… you can talk…” Dante stammers, shock still evident as he grabs Leo and pulls him to his chest. My heart swells. I have studied every textbook I could find. I scoured the internet, read articles, used different techniques from talking constantly, to reading to him, playing with him, and doing generally anything I knew how to, to make him feel safe and secure in my presence. I have spent every day with him since I got here, and I have noticed each time he experiences something new, he opens up more and more. My banter at Lego time, my soft singing at nighttime, my cooking with him and Maria. Whatever it was, I made sure to include him, speak to him, and care for him. The movie afternoon was another first. I thought we could make this a weekly tradition, so he could hear different characters, and to expand his vocabulary.

To hear him speak is overwhelming. Tears burn my eyes, watching this father and son. Dante doesn’t let him go, as they hug each other tight. I can hear Dante whispering to him while rubbing his back. “I love you, Leo. Your voice is beautiful, my son.” My heart is about to explode from my chest as I see Leo’s head nodding every few moments, agreeing with Dante. It is a big moment for them both. Dante is right; Leo’s voice is beautiful. It is wonderful to hear it, and watching the two of them together makes me feel even more connected, and like I am right where I need to be.

I turn and start to tidy up our mess a little, trying to give them some privacy, running our empty glasses back to the kitchen. When I return, I see them both now apart and smiling.

“Hey, did you talk your dad into watching the movie with us, Leo? I could try, but I think you would be more convincing!” I say with a big smile and look at Dante as he eyes me walking back to them. Leo is now settling back in our comfortable rug area, ready to start the movie again. Dante takes two steps forward to meet me, before he grabs me by the waist and pulls me to his body, slamming his lips to mine. I gasp in shock at the sudden move, which Dante takes full advantage of, his tongue slipping into my mouth and his hand coming up to the back of my head to keep me in place.

I grip onto his shirt, and my body melts into him, letting him lead, allowing him to take what he needs. I’m lost in a sea of lust for this man. Leo giggles then, and we pull apart, both of us looking down, forgetting that we had an audience, and I blush.

Dante starts laughing too, and I am caught off guard, having never seen or heard him laugh until now. He looks happy, totally and unashamedly happy, his eyes glistening and his smile wide. He seems lighter, more relaxed. I watch as he and Leo giggle so much it is contagious, and I join in.

“What are you all laughing at?” Maria asks as she steps into the room, and before anyone can answer, Leo speaks.

“Hi, Maria!” he says. Again, he stumbles a little, but the look on Maria’s face is priceless.

“Leo!” she says, clutching her chest, her eyes instantly watering. “Oh my God!”

Her disbelief shows on her face as her eyes flick from Leo, Dante, and to me.

“Leo, you’re talking!” she says before rushing over and pulling little Leo to her chest.

“Yes. Leo can talk,” Dante, says giving me a squeeze. His life has just changed for the better, and there is no wiping the smile from his face now.

Dante looks at me, his hands caressing up and down my arms, before he lifts one and runs it through my hair, bringing me toward him.

“Thank you, Bella. Thank you for getting my son back to me,” he whispers to me, kissing me again, before murmuring his thanks in my ear as he peppers kisses down my cheek and neck.

I don’t need any thanks, but I feel incredible. The look on Dante’s face will forever be embedded into my heart.

Maybe this was my one true calling… Maybe this was what I was put on the earth to do before my soul leaves it forever. I am so glad that I got to experience this, and in some small way help make it happen. I can leave this earth happy now. Happy that I got to make a difference and help my two beautiful boys.



As Sebastian and I drive through the streets, my mind flicks to thoughts of home. It has been a week since I had my first taste of Little Red, and I am addicted, just like I knew I would be.

I do not wish ill of anyone in my family, but the fact that Maria has been sick in bed with the flu has provided me with the best week of my life. With Maria out of action, Little Red has been taking care of everything, stepping up to the plate in a way that she wasn’t asked to, but instinctively knew we needed.

Her cooking is on par with Maria’s, which is saying something because Maria’s cooking is the best in Sicily. She looks after Leo, the two of them now sharing a bond that is stronger than any other he has made in his short life. I have now heard him giggle and speak on more than one occasion, and it is a sound that lights up my home in a way it hasn’t been lit before.

She brings me coffee every morning, pours me a whiskey every night, and I can’t keep my hands off her. We have sex every morning and every night, missionary, her on top, in the bed, in the armchair, in the shower. I even had her naked body spread out on my desk in my den again one night, where I took great delight in fucking her until she screamed. Twice.

I can’t get enough of her, and she can’t get enough of me. But something still isn’t right. She is pale, she is constantly tired, her body is often cold. She could be worn out from our daily activities, but still, there is something that doesn’t make sense.

“Dante!” Sebastian growls at me, and I look at him sharply.

“I don’t know what kind of magic pussy Annie has, but I need you to focus,” he says to me, and he is right. My nostrils flare because I don’t like anyone talking about Little Red like that, but I will let it slide for Sebastian.

“Sebastian…” I reply in warning.

“I know, but we need to fucking find him. Leo and Annie are pretty much on total lockdown, and Goldie and her mother too. I know you might be having a fucking fantastic home life in your newly-mated haze, but Goldie is busting my balls every minute, wanting to get to her fucking gallery without me hovering over her head. If we can’t make this city safe for our families, then we are failing them. We need to fucking find Dominic and end him.”

“Dominic is a fucking dirty rat who is currently living in the deep squalor of New York, waiting to pounce. The minute he does, I am going to kill him. Preferably painfully and slowly,” I grit out, making it known that my head is still firmly on my shoulders, and I know what needs to get done.

We sit in silence for a moment, and I decide to let him know about Leo. I have waited all week, wanting to make sure it wasn’t just a one off, but he continues to flourish, so there is no point hiding it from my brother anymore.

“Leo is talking,” I say calmly, even though I want to fist bump the air every time I think about it.