Page 45 of In Their Hands

I took a breath and hefted the semiautomatic in my hands, comforted by its weight.

“Brace,” the driver warned as he accelerated the armored SUV, heading straight for the gates that guarded Dante’s home.

Gunfire ricocheted off the bulletproof car, Torrio’s men trying to take us out before we could breach the property. Our SUV was at the head of the convoy: ten armored cars filled with men who were fiercely loyal to me. I’d selected only the ones I trusted most, not daring to risk Nora’s safety by relying on someone with questionable loyalties. I was paranoid after Giuseppe’s brazen betrayal. I wouldn’t repeat the mistake and end up with a bullet in the back of my head.

The SUV punched through the gates with a terrible grating sound, the entire car lurching at the impact. The barrier gave way, and we tore down the drive, past the men who were shooting at us from the guard towers set into the imposing stone wall that surrounded the entire estate.

Dante had been ready for an assault, but he hadn’t counted on the resources I had at my disposal. The arrogant bastard probably thought everyone in the organization would turn on me when my father died and he took my wife: a symbolic seizure of my power.

But his arrogance would be his downfall. He would die screaming, and I’d have Nora back, safe in my arms.

Bile burned the back of my throat at the thought of my fragile wife in his cruel hands. I swallowed hard and shoved the dark thought away. I didn’t have room in my brain for fear now. All I could do was focus on my goal with violent intent, keeping my senses sharp.

Tires squealed as we pulled up to the house, the back of the SUV skidding around the circular driveway. I burst from the car, along with the men I trusted most in the world. Gabriele and Lorenzo were right behind me, the burly brothers’ faces set in identical grim masks.

I kept the car door open as a shield, and—unsurprisingly—more bullets slammed into it. There were guards at the front of the house, firing from the entryway before ducking back insidefor cover. I whipped into the open when the bullets stopped flying for a heartbeat, pulling the trigger on my rifle. A dozen sharp reports rent the air, and someone screamed inside the house.

Gabriele bellowed behind me, a sound of rage and panic. I whirled, and something slammed into my shoulder, the bullet testing the efficacy of my tactical vest.


Lorenzo was on the ground, gasping for air. Blood poured from a gash on the side of his neck, where a bullet had torn through the delicate flesh. The pulsing crimson streamed onto Gabriele’s hand where he pressed it hard against his brother’s ruined skin.

“Get him into the car!” I bellowed, fear for my friends rising up and threatening to choke me.

Behind me, more of my men screamed. The gunfire was coming from a different direction now. I looked up and saw four snipers on the roof.

“Go, go, go!” I shouted, peppering the front door with suppressing fire as I rushed for the house.

I was vaguely aware that some of my men followed, but many of them were still pinned down by the snipers.

Somehow, I managed to avoid more bullets as I burst into the house, rifle raised. Something sharp slammed into the side of my neck, and I spun to face the threat. There was no one to my right, only an empty corridor. It wavered strangely.

More gunfire directly behind me. More screams.

I whirled and stumbled, the world tilting. The barrel of my gun drifted toward the floor as my fingers began to go numb.

Confusion threaded through my fear, and I swatted at the thing stinging my neck. A silvery dart fell away and clattered onto the hardwoods beneath my boots.

“Fuck.” The curse was slurred, and I took a step toward the door, struggling to get back to the cover of the SUV.

It’d been too easy to get to the house. Dante had wanted this.

I remembered what the traitor, Federico, had said when he tried to take Nora and me from our home:Dante wants her alive. She won’t be harmed. He wants to see you both.

Dante wanted us both alive. He didn’t intend to kill me quickly.

My stomach lurched, and I took another stumbling step toward the exit. I would have to regroup and come back for Nora. I was useless to her if I let him capture me.

Through my wavering vision, I saw several of the cars pulling away, retreating. The others remained as ruined husks, dead and bleeding men strewn across the pavement around them.

I’d led them all into a trap. My friends were dead because of me.

No. Because of Dante.

The motherfucker appeared in my line of sight, grinning like a madman. I lunged for him, and my knees gave out. I tried to clench my fists, but my arms were so heavy at my sides.

“Fight me like a man, you coward,” I seethed, my tongue too thick in my mouth.