Page 5 of In Their Hands

“This is insane,” I said before I could think better of it, the accusation breathless and a little too high-pitched. “You can’t just steal me away like I’m an object. I don’t want to marry you.”

Luca’s eyes darkened. “And you prefer Dante as your husband? The man is a sadist.”

I shuddered at the warning in his tone, but I couldn’t stop protesting. The shock of being kidnapped and told I would be forced into marriage was too terrifying to suppress my emotions like I usually did. “I don’t want to marry anyone!”

His square jaw firmed to a grim line. “I hadn’t planned on marriage today either, but sometimes we don’t get a choice. Dante can’t have you. I won’t let him take what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours!”

“I’m talking about my birthright,” he snapped. “But yes, Elenora. You’ll be mine within the hour. It’s done. Don’t be difficult.”

I stiffened. “And what are you going to do? Beat me if I don’t agree to walk down the aisle?”

He was suddenly in my personal space, looming over me. The air in the car turned thick, too heavy to breathe. There was only his menacing power pulsing over me, emanating from his huge frame to suffocate me. His big arms caged me, one hand pressed against the seat and the other on the window beside my head.

“Listen to me, Elenora. I have no intention of abusing you. But you will be an obedient wife.”

Fear raced down my spine, but I tipped my chin back, defiant. “I won’t. I won’t marry you.”

Dark brows drew together. “Do you have any idea what Dante does to women? If you were his, he would hurt you, and he would enjoy it.”

I thought of Dante’s twisted snarl as he’d strangled Giorgio, the violence that’d rippled through his muscular body. I didn’t manage to suppress a shiver.

Luca’s lips twisted with distaste. “That’s your alternative. If you cooperate, you have nothing to fear from me.”

“Why do you even want to marry me?” I challenged, desperation bleeding through my anger. Luca had never paid any attention to me before, even though I’d harbored a crush on the ruggedly handsome man.

That crush seemed ludicrous now. All I wanted was to escape from his overbearing aura and insane demands.

Being sold into an arranged marriage had been terrifying enough; Luca had kidnapped me and was telling me that I’d be forced to marry him against my will. Dante scared me, but in this moment, Luca was the more terrifying monster.

He grimaced. “I won’t start a war within our own organization. I don’t intend to tear the family apart before I even take control. Your father has made an error in judgment. Not all of his men agree with his scheme to choose Dante over me. They came to me and told me about his plans. I won’t kill your father because too many of our men respect him. I might hate the oldbastard, but I won’t spill his blood. But the alliance with Dante won’t go forward. I’ll have his daughter under my control, and your father will fall in line.”

“So, I’m your hostage, then,” I said bitterly.

“You’ll be my wife,” he bit out. “It doesn’t have to be unpleasant for you. I take care of my own.”

“I’m not yours,” I insisted again. “I’ll never be yours. I don’t belong to anyone but myself.”

A shadow danced over his granite jaw. “You’re wrong, Elenora. You belong to me now. Whether you like it or not is your choice.”

With each damning statement, he leaned closer, his quick breaths hot on my cheeks.

I suppressed a shiver and gathered my courage. “I won’t marry you.”

His lips pressed to a grim line, holding in further words of rebuke. For a tense moment, I thought I might’ve held my ground. I thought he would let me go.

My heart leapt into my throat when his big hands bracketed my waist, dragging me toward him. I released a harsh cry as he manhandled me, fear searing through my righteous fury. I struggled, limbs swinging wildly. My fist glanced off his jaw, and he growled in warning. His hands clamped my wrists, pulling my arms behind my back and pinning them there. He used the leverage to shove me down, until I was draped over his lap. I writhed, shrieking in animal panic and rage as the world swirled around me. I couldn’t think; all that existed was deep, primal fear that coursed through my veins with every rapid beat of my heart.

One of his huge hands easily shackled my wrists, and the other gripped the hem of my skirt. He yanked the material up, and I choked on a shocked cry as he stripped away mymodesty, leaving my white cotton underwear exposed. Leavingmeexposed. I suddenly felt small and unbearably vulnerable.

My scream died in my throat. “What are you doing?” I managed to force myself to form a coherent question, but it was little more than a breathless whisper. There wasn’t enough oxygen in the car.

“You will be my wife, Elenora.” His dark warning was followed by a sharp slap, and a rush of heat stung my bottom. Before I could draw in the air to cry out, he landed another blow. “You will obey me.” Another slap, another gasp for breath. “You will not fight me on this.”

“Stop!” I managed to beg. My soul was laid bare, my will stripped away even more ruthlessly than he’d yanked away my modesty.

“I’ll stop when you agree to behave.” His voice had deepened. He sounded calmer, sterner. There was no hint of a growl in his words this time. He’d fully subjugated me, and he had his more volatile emotions back under control.