He hugged me tightly. “It’s not easy knowing I’m about to give you away.”
“I’m not going anywhere. You’re going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on. My babies need their Poppy.”
Chuckling, he stepped back and smiled. “You know I’m going to have those boys in the ring the second they learn to walk, right?”
“Not unless Ethan beats you to it,” I countered. “And who says I’m having boys?”
He smirked over at my mom, and she took my hand. “Um, your dad and the others all have a bet going. Some think you’re having girls, some think boys, and some say a boy and a girl. The pool is up to ten grand right now.”
Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but laugh. “We’ll find out in five weeks.”
My dad held out his arm. “Are you ready?”
I looped my arm through his. “I am.”
My mom walked out first, and we gave her time to get to her seat before we started down the hallway. We had to go through the living room to get outside by the pool where the arch was set up.
The food smelled amazing and instead of a giant wedding cake, we decided on a cupcake tower with various flavors. I couldn’t decide on what I wanted, so I blamed it on the twins.
Ripp was by the door and when he saw us approach, he opened it. The sound of the violin playing “Salut d’Amour” made my skin shiver as the melodic tune drifted toward us. Ethan’s mother knew a violinist who had offered to play, which was perfect.
Walking down the aisle toward Ethan, I focused only on him. A few months ago, I never knew this could be my life. I thought movies and being in the spotlight was where I wanted to be, but I was wrong.
Thiswas where I needed to be.
This was where I belonged.
With Ethan.
Time seemed to stand still as I stopped before him, my dad giving me away. Ethan took my hands and the officiant started to speak, but Ethan leaned in quick, closing his lips over mine. My breath hitched but I gave into him, relishing in the moment.
Everyone cheered and laughed in the background, but it was muffled to my ears. All I could hear was my pulse pounding like a thousand racehorses.
Ethan pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait.”
The officiant chuckled under his breath and cleared his throat. “Are you ready now?”
Ethan and I stared into each other’s eyes and spoke at the same time. “Yes, we are.”
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let it slowly release from my lungs. Tonight was a big night. I was nervous as hell, but also ready for what came next. When I opened my eyes, I looked over at Ethan . . . my husband, dressed sexily in a tux with his wedding band shining from the limo’s interior lights. We were on our way to my movie premiere at the Village Theater in LA; it was our first public appearance since the abduction.
I’d been asked to do numerous interviews the past month, but I hadn’t been ready until now. I only wanted to focus on my and Ethan’s relationship, away from the media. No one knew we were married or that I was pregnant. Guess you could say I’d been a hermit since Ethan and I bought our house.
Until the twins were born, I was going to attend the necessary awards shows and parties, but afterward, I was set on my decision. I wanted to take a break.
We’d arrived at the theater, and there was a long line of limos which gave me a little more time to breathe. Ethan took my hand and kissed it, smiling when he focused on my wedding rings.
“I’m never going to get tired of seeing these on your finger. It shows everyone that you’re mine.”
That made me smile. “The same goes for you,” I said, nodding down at his ring finger. “But I hate to say it, I think everyone will notice this before the rings on my finger.” I pointed at my stomach, which was now bigger than it was four weeks ago, especially since I had on a royal blue gown that didn’t exactly hide the baby bump.
My eighteen-week appointment was coming up soon, and we were going to find out what we were having. Ethan was sure we were going to have girls, but I had a feeling it’d be boys. I could just imagine two little Ethan’s running around the house.