Page 58 of Wanting the Fight

Her eyes met mine. “It’s Ethan’s, isn’t it?”

I answered her with a nod. “No one knows. I don’t know what they’d do to me if they found out.”

Wren’s eyes blazed like fire. “Don’t worry. If they want a fight, it’s a fight they’ll get. I don’t know what to do right now, but I’ll figure something out. I always do.”

Can I trust her?

It didn’t matter if I could or not. We were both in a shit ton of trouble.



Wren had stayed for a couple of hours and then left to go to her room. I slept maybe for an hour, and my body was exhausted. I knew I needed sleep, but I couldn’t, not when I had no clue where Ethan was or if he was okay. I felt so damn helpless; it made me sick to think of myself as a damsel in distress. But, unfortunately, that was exactly what I was. Martin’s plantation was an armed fortress. How could I escape it and find Ethan?

After a quick shower, I changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a hunter-green sweater. A knock sounded on the door just as I slipped on my boots. Martha strolled in, dressed in her housekeeper uniform and carrying a tray of food.

“Good morning, dearie. How’d you sleep?”

“Like shit,” I answered.

Her smile turned down. “Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that.”

A familiar voice echoed down the hall, and I watched as Cecilia marched past my door, hauling a suitcase behind her. It was the first time I’d seen her since last night. Martha mumbled something that sounded like “thank the heavens.”

“Is she going somewhere?” I asked.

Martha smiled sweetly. “New York. She’s auditioning for a movie.”

And she was missing out on all the bloodshed today.If Ethan and I escaped this hellhole, I was going to make sure Cecilia paid for her crimes, just like her psychotic father. She was going down along with everyone else. I hoped to hell there was some evidence somewhere to convict Nikolai Michelson. He’d upped his game, and Ethan and I were the pawns this time.

Martha lifted the cover on the tray and set it on the wooden table by the couch. “Once you eat, you’ll feel better.”

Plastering on a fake smile, I nodded and stared at the eggs, bacon, and two pancakes topped with strawberries. Martha said her goodbyes, and I forced myself to eat.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Wren strolled in, dressed in a pair of black spandex that barely covered her butt cheeks and a red sports bra. Her dark hair was braided just like how my mother always did it. She came over and sat down next to me, her expression grim.

“What’s happened?”

Wren rolled her eyes and huffed. “Well, for starters, some guy came into my room this morning and made me put these ridiculous shorts on. I can feel them going up my ass; it’s annoying as fuck. Someone is supposed to come get me in a few minutes.”

My gut clenched. “Are you not scared?”

She scoffed. “I’m used to fighting off men. I can do this.” Her gaze shot to the door and then back to me. “I don’t have much time, but I thought you should know. When I left your room, Eric was standing guard. He’s the guy with the man bun.”

I nodded for her to continue. “And?”

She shivered and had a disgusted look on her face. “So, I kind of flirted with him and invited him into my room. I gave him a hand job.”

“Why the hell would you do that?” I hissed.

She pursed her lips. “It’s not like I wanted to. I did it for information. The guys around here are so hard up for a little action that it’s insane. I’m surprised none of them have touched you.”

“One has,” I informed her. “Caden. It turns out I’ll belong to him when all this is over.”

The blood drained from her face. “I know who you’re talking about. If there’s one guy I don’t want to get in the ring with, it’s him. I’ve seen crazy in my life, and he’s crazy. I’m talking psychotic killer.” She shook her head as if trying to get him out of her mind. “I wonder what part he’s playing in all of this.”

There was only one role it could be.