Page 55 of Wanting the Fight

“What the hell is this?” I demanded.

Martin leaned in close, his voice by my ear. “You need to pick one, maybe two.”


He chuckled. “Because she’s going to be your stunt double. I can’t haveyougetting damaged during filming. I need someone disposable.”

The thought made me sick. “You’re an evil son of a bitch,” I seethed. “I’m not choosing anyone.”

Caden grabbed me around the waist, his warm breath on my neck as he leaned in. “I’ll put a bullet into Jameson’s head right now if you don't. In fact, I’d thoroughly enjoy it. All I need is a reason.”

“Why can’t you pick her?” I spat at Martin.

His eyes gleamed with delight. “Because I wantyouto. You know your mother better than anyone.” He nodded toward the women. “Watch them fight and pick the one that fights just like her. She’ll come home with us tonight, and you can coach her. We start filming first thing in the morning.” I didn’t want to condemn any of those girls. “They know what they signed up for, Peyton,” Martin informed me. “Now watch them and pick one.”

He stepped away from me, and so did Caden. They whispered behind me while I studied the women. It was eerie watching ten women with the same features as me fight each other.

As I stared at them, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of lives they had outside of here. I know from my previous roles that there’s a chance of some injury when you’re a stunt double, but this is on a different level. They could be seriously hurt, or even killed. Who in their right mind would audition for a movie when that was the risk?

It only took a couple of minutes to pick out the girl who was the exact replica of my mom. Her moves were so similar it was just like I was watching my mother in the ring.

“I found her,” I said, feeling the guilt well up in my chest.

Martin and Caden came back and stood next to me, one on each side. “Which one?” Martin asked.

I pointed at a dark-haired beauty dressed in a pair of black spandex shorts and a pink tank top, who also had her hair braided the same way my mom always did when she competed.


Martin nodded with approval. “Good choice. I was thinking of her as well.” He looked over at Caden. “I’ll have my guys bring her to the house if you want to take Peyton back.”

Caden grabbed my arm, and chills ran down my spine. “Happy to,” he replied.

Martin disappeared out the door and went the opposite way from Caden and me. We walked outside, and he led me over to a black Mercedes with dark-tinted windows. He opened the passenger’s side door and let me go so I could get in. Quickly, I searched the interior to see if a phone was lying around, but there was no such luck.

Caden hopped in and we started on our way down the long dirt road. Turning my head, I watched as the warehouse grew smaller behind us, creating more distance between Ethan and me. I wanted to know if he was okay.

“Why didn’t you blindfold me?” I asked Caden.

“Because there’s no point in it anymore.” He glanced over at me, his evil blue eyes making me shiver. “After tomorrow night, you’re not going to be here. You won’t be able to tell anyone what happened.”

I could feel the blood drain from my face. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?”

The heat in his eyes ignited. “Oh no. I’m not about to let you go.” He focused back on the dirt road. “You’re going to be mine, Peyton. We’re leaving this place behind.”

* * *

The world spun around me, but I held it together until we arrived at Martin’s house. It was a massive plantation, just like I thought, with white columns surrounding the entire structure. The whole second level had a deck that wrapped all the way around. Its beauty wasn’t enough to get my mind out of the nightmare I’d been thrust into.

Caden took me to the bedroom I’d stayed in last night and shut the door. Only then did I allow myself to break down.

“What am I going to do?” I whispered to myself.

I had no clue where Ethan was or how to get us out of this mess. It was clear that Martin had no intention of keeping Ethan alive. I had one day.Oneday to figure everything out.

Voices could be heard down the hall, and I wiped my eyes quickly. I refused to let Caden or Martin see me so weak. But, of course, it didn’t help that I was exhausted and nauseated.

The door to my room opened, and Martin stood in the doorway. “I have someone here for you. I figured you could give her some pointers.”