Page 50 of Wanting the Fight

“Not much,” I said through gritted teeth.

I didn’t want to look at him. If he was that twisted to record these videos all those years ago, there was no telling what he was capable of now. Martin chuckled, the sound sinister and vile.

“Well, then, this will be a treat. You’ll get to see firsthand how amazing she is.”

I was so thankful she never got mixed up with him. She’d made the right choice not going into the acting business. Maybe I should’ve done the same.

The video continued to play.

There were moments with my mom and another guy at a coffee shop, and then my dad showed up, obviously pissed off that she was with someone else. Martin pointed at the screen. “That was Rage, only your mother didn’t know it at the time. He played his part well.”

“What the hell did you do? Follow her around twenty-four-seven?” I snapped, glaring over at him.

His lips tilted up, revealing an evil sneer. “It made for a great movie, sweet girl. One that got me where I am today. It enticed the right people.” He nodded toward the screen. “Keep watching. This is where things get good.”

The clips of my mother stopped for a while and switched to a dark, dungeon-looking type room with a caged fighting ring. It was the Dark Side. There were bloody men, some fighting with weapons, some just with their fists. Some would think it was fake with all the blood spurting everywhere, but I knew it was real, especially when one of the fighters had a sword run through his gut.

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I had no choice but to look away. I’d never seen something so violent, so graphic.

“Weak stomach?” Martin teased.

Swallowing hard, I squeezed my eyes shut. “I’m not used to seeing people get killed.”

“You get accustomed to it after a while. Itwasquite fascinating, especially when your father got in the ring. Look.”

My head jerked back to the screen.

Martin fast-forwarded to another fight that featured my dad and a burly man covered in tattoos. They fought and it was evident my dad was a far more superior fighter. But in the end, my dad circled around behind the man, grabbed him around the neck and twisted. He fell down dead to the mat. After that, my dad walked casually out of the ring and disappeared through the crowd.

Mouth gaping, I watched as he did the same to countless other men. I didn’t have it in me to even keep count. Martin paused the video.

“Your father was so noble. As much as I hated him, he did the world a service. Those men he killed needed to die, just like Rage. They were all rapists, child molesters, wife beaters, you name it. But Paxton wasn’t real Dark Side material; he had too much heart.”

When I looked over at Martin, he kept his eyes on the screen as the movie continued. The following clips were of my mother, fighting off men and dominating them. I knew she was forced to fight men, but she destroyed them all. It made me feel good to watch her kick their asses. Now that was something Icouldwatch.

Martin sighed, his gaze transfixed on my mom. “Look at her. Isn’t she beautiful? It’s a shame you don’t know how to fight like her. I’d love to see that kind of fire again.”

I wasn’t as good as her, but I knew how to fight, only now it wasn’t possible in my condition. But if she were here now, she’d unleash that fire onto him and probably kill him. I knew for a fact my dad would.

“It wasn’t my path,” I said simply.

Martin shrugged. “No worries. I have a solution for that.” He shut off the video and stood. “I think you’ve watched enough right now. I believe it’s time for you to see what I have planned.” He held out his hand, but I got up on my own which amused him even more by his smirk.

“Where’s Ethan?” I demanded.

Martin folded his hands in front of him. “He’s with the others.”

My brows furrowed. “Others? Who? I want to see him.”

He nodded. “You can see him, but he has to get ready.”

“Ready for what?” I asked, hoping he couldn’t hear the fear in my voice.

Martin smiled and waved for me to follow him. “You’ll see.”