Page 35 of Wanting the Fight

She walked inside with Peyton while I brought in the cases and shut the door. They went straight to our bedroom, and I set the cases on the bed. Dr. Morrow opened the lighter case which was filled with medical supplies and a small cooler. She handed Peyton a clear specimen cup and nodded toward the bathroom.

“I know you’ve taken several tests, but it’s standard procedure. When you done, I’ll draw some vials of blood and take them back to the lab. Then, I’ll call you later tonight with the results.”

“Sounds good,” Peyton said, taking the cup. She glanced nervously at me and retreated into the bathroom while I watched Dr. Morrow set everything up.

“I take it this was a shock to you both?” she asked, keeping her voice low as she set up a small tray with needles and vials.

“Just a little,” I replied. “We’re not telling anyone yet, if you know what I mean.”

She glanced over at me, her gaze solemn. “I’m a doctor, Ethan. Everything we do here is confidential. I don’t know what it’s like to be a celebrity, but Idohave famous clients. I hear all the things they have to go through. Even if I wasn’t a doctor, I’d never spill this kind of secret to anyone. It’s a special time that you both should be able to share without all the stress from the media.”

That made me feel better. Doctors had to uphold their oath of confidentiality, but I was pretty sure there were ways they could get away with spilling secrets.

Peyton came out of the bathroom carrying a couple of large towels. “All right, that’s done. I left the cup by the sink, if that’s okay.”

Dr. Morrow nodded. “It is. I’ll be right back.” She grabbed a plastic bag filled with various things and disappeared inside.

A few minutes later, she came out and smiled. “The urine test came back positive. Let me get some vials of blood, and then we’ll do the ultrasound.”

Peyton sat on the bed while Dr. Morrow prepped her arm and inserted the needle. She then took several vials of blood and packed them into the medical cooler. Once that was done, she opened the case with the ultrasound machine and set it up. I wasn’t expecting to see the giant probe that looked like a massive dildo.

Peyton snickered and I looked over at her, my mouth gaping.

“You’re not getting jealous, are you?” she teased, laying one of the towels on the bed. Dr. Morrow tried to hide her smile and failed.

“Uh,” I began, returning my attention to the foot-long dong. “Maybe. That thing is fucking huge.”

“All right,” Dr. Morrow said, laughing. “I’m going to step out of the room while you take off your pants and underwear. You can cover up with that other towel you brought out if that makes you feel more comfortable.”

She stepped out of the room, and Peyton smirked up at me as she took off the bottom half of her clothes. “Don’t worry. That thing has nothing on you.”

I snorted. “This is going to be interesting.”

Peyton leaned up and kissed me, her expression turning serious. “Yes, it is. We’re about to see our baby. It almost doesn’t seem real.”

A ribbon of nerves swirled in my stomach. “You know this is exactly what happened with my parents. Emma and I weren’t planned. They were young too, and everything worked out.”

Peyton wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m not worried about us, just the rest of the world.”

I kissed her gently and sucked her bottom lip. The world was going to make sure it stayed the hell out of our way. I wasn’t going to let anything come between us.

“You know what Iamworried about?” I said, hoping to lighten the mood.

Peyton searched my eyes. “What?”

I slid my hands down to her bare ass and squeezed. “Younot wearing any underwear. I’m two seconds away from spreading those legs and fucking you senseless.”

Peyton smacked my arm. “Shh . . . Dr. Morrow’s just outside that door.”

A couple of seconds later, we heard a light knock.

“Peyton, you ready?” Dr. Morrow called out.

Peyton lay on the bed, and I covered her with the other large towel. “I am,” Peyton shouted.

The door opened and Dr. Morrow strolled back in, shaking her head and grinning. It was apparent she’d heard what I said. After the machine was turned on and calibrated, she picked up the enormous probe and slid a condom down on it along with a heaping glob of gel. I sat down beside Peyton and held her hand.

“Are you ready?” the doctor asked, glancing from Peyton to me. We both nodded, and she got into position between Peyton’s legs. “Okay, here we go.”