Page 26 of Wanting the Fight

I waited to hear him speak, but there was only silence. Finally, I peered over to see him staring at the sky.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” he answered. “I guess it all depends on you.”

“What do you mean?”

His eyes shifted to mine, all serious and sexy. Sometimes I found it hard to breathe around him. I wanted him all the time. My thoughts drifted to him even when I was on set this week. It was hard to concentrate with him around . . . but I loved it.

“What I mean,” he said, smirking playfully, “is that I’ve enjoyed being your bodyguard. I like protecting you and keeping you safe. You do your work, and then at the end of the day, you come home with me. I could get used to this.”

“What about your fights? Your next one is in March.”

His smile dropped. “Yeah, I know. It’d be nice to have you there, but I understand that you can’t.”

Iwantedto be there. I wanted to go to all his fights. Just like I wanted him by my side at all my events. Could it be possible to make it work? Ethan and I didn’t have anything on our schedules until mid-February which meant we had a month and a half of freedom.

I had an idea . . .

“Ethan,” I said, feeling all the excitement in my chest. I swung my legs over the edge of the chair so I could get close to him. Then, grabbing his hands, I pulled him closer. “Do you want me at your fights?”

He didn’t hesitate when he answered. “Of course I do. I mean, fuck, Peyton. I’m waiting for the day I can tell everyone you’re mine.”

I squeezed his hands. “Same. I have so many awards shows this spring, and I’d love to have you with me . . . as my date, not my bodyguard.”

Ethan pulled me over to his chair, and I straddled his waist, his hands firm on my cheeks as he cupped them. “What happened to keeping us a secret?”

Placing a hand over his, I leaned into his touch. “How about this? Why don’t we sneak away for the next month and a half, just you and me? For now, we’ll still keep our relationship a secret. Let’s focus on what we have and build on it. Then, when we feel ready, we’ll let the world know.”

Ethan’s lips touched mine, and he opened mine with his tongue. I gave in to him, loving how he claimed me. He broke away first and I grinned.

“Does that mean you’re up for it?”

He chuckled and I could feel his cock stir between my legs. “In more ways than one,” he said, sliding his hands down my waist. “But where exactly do you want to sneak away to?”

The choices were endless.

We could go anywhere in the world, but I’ve always loved the beaches of North Carolina. And since we were already in the state, all we’d have to do was drive to the coast.

“I want to go to Wilmington,” I answered. “We can find a private place on the water. It’ll be fun.”

Ethan winked. “I don’t doubt that.”

The alarm on my cell went off and I smiled. I’d set it to go off one minute before midnight. I handed Ethan his glass of champagne and grabbed mine as well.

“The countdown is on.” I clanked my glass against his, and we watched as the time ticked down the last ten seconds.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two . . . and right at one, I kissed Ethan, determined to bring in the New Year right. My heart was whole, and I don’t think I’d ever been so happy. It felt as if I was where I needed to be.

Fireworks went off in the distance, and I could hear others in the hotel yelling “Happy New Year.” I slowly moved away, trembling at the raw hunger in Ethan’s eyes.

“Happy New Year, Peyton.”

“Happy New Year to you, Ethan,” I said, holding up my glass. “Cheers.”

We drank our champagne and set our glasses back down on the table. Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist. “For a month and a half, you’re all mine. I hope you’re ready for that.”


I was ready for our time together.