It all started to come together. I moved closer to Ethan, wondering what they had in store for us. “If you’re making a new movie, where does that leave Ethan and me? What parts do we play?”
Martin chuckled. “You should know the answer to that. You’re the spitting image of your mother. You’ll make the perfect Gabriella Reynolds.”
The breath hitched in my lungs, and everything moved in slow motion. Ethan lunged for him and punched him so hard Martin’s head snapped to the side, and he stumbled to the floor.
“You son of a bitch,” Ethan shouted, moving so fast he was on Martin in the blink of an eye.
Before he could rear back and strike again, Martin’s men hauled him off, slamming him against the wall. The guy with the man bun punched Ethan in the ribs while the other jerked his head back. Tears sprung to my eyes and I tried to rush over, but Caden wrapped his arms around my waist.
Martin slowly got to his feet, laughing. He wiped the blood off his lip with the back of his hand. “Take him downstairs,” he commanded to his men. “He’s about to find out what part he’s going to play.”
I fought against Caden, trying to rip myself out of his arms. “You fucking prick, let me go!”
The two men forced Ethan to the door. “Peyton, stop!” Ethan growled, turning his wild, pleading eyes to me.
I didn’t want to stop, but I knew why he wanted me to. His gaze shifted to my stomach, but only for a split second. Then, as much as it killed me, I relaxed my body and Caden loosened his hold.
Martin smiled at me and nodded at Caden. “Keep her here. I’ll be back.”
The men blindfolded Ethan and pushed him out the door. Martin followed them, leaving me alone with Caden. Our situation was direr than I ever could’ve imagined. If Martin wanted to make another movie with me as the starring role of playing my mother, I was in a lot of trouble.
Iwas thrown back into the room I was in before and had to catch myself against the window. All the guys were still working out in the gym on the other side. The same went for the women on the other.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum stood guard by the door and shut it once Martin entered. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill them all. The thought of Peyton being alone with that bastard, Caden, infuriated me beyond belief. I’d never been so fucking angry in my life. I was worried for Peyton, concerned about what they’d do to her if they found out she was pregnant. It was clear from the moment we were taken . . . they weren’t going to let us go.
“Are you seriously going to put Peyton in the ring?” I growled, my body shaking with rage.
Martin smirked and cocked his head to the side. “Do you not think she can handle it?”
“She’s not Gabriella,” I snapped.
He nodded. “That’s true, she’s not. But she sure does have her mother’s looks. Just like you do with your father.” He circled the room but kept his distance from me. When he got to the window, he peered out. “Look at them. They all want to be a part of my movie.” He smiled as he watched them. “I’ll pick out my favorites once I’m done with you here.”
I threw my arms out wide. “And what exactly do you want with me?”
Martin nodded at something behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at the TV on the wall. “I have something you need to watch,” he said.
When the TV turned on, it took a few seconds for a video to appear. There were men all around the ring with bloodlust in their eyes. The camera was situated above everyone else so it gave a perfect view of the center of the ring. When the crowd in the video turned their heads, my eyes widened at what they were looking at. Two men appeared, heading toward the cage. It was my dad and Scar. This had to be the same night as the fight between him and Camden.
It was no secret there was bad blood between my dad and his twin brother back then, but they kept the details of their epic fight to themselves. The only proof that it had happened was the jagged scar on Camden’s face.
My dad and Scar exchanged words, and I could see the fire in my dad’s eyes. Two other men were in the ring, dressed in black robes with their faces hidden. And in front of them were two gray carts filled with what looked like glue and shards of glass.Motherfucker.
The crowd went crazy as Camden entered the room, dressed in his signature red and black shorts and red robe. He climbed into the ring, lifting his hands in the air triumphantly as if he’d already won the fight.
“Your uncle was always an arrogant ass,” Martin chimed in. I’d never seen that side of him.
Camden walked over to one of the hooded men who wrapped his hands and then dipped them in the glue and glass. My dad refused to have it done and stormed to the center of the ring.
“So gallant, your dad,” Martin said with a sigh. “I thought he was a fool for refusing.”
Clenching my teeth, I bit back my words and continued to watch. The glass on Camden’s fists reflected against the light as he faced off with my dad. When the fight started, it was bloody and brutal. Both brothers tore savagely into the other. Camden got the upper hand a few minutes later and had my dad by the neck. One of the glass shards on his glove was right by his carotid artery. Time seemed to stand still as I watched the exchange. I knew it was closing in on the end.
My dad’s muscles shook, his energy fading. Their mouth’s moved with words I couldn’t hear. Then, it was as if my dad had a surge of energy. He broke free and jammed Camden’s glass-covered fist into his face, resulting in the infamous scar. Camden slapped a hand over the wound, blood oozing through his fingers. Then finally, my dad powerhouse kicked him in the side, and Camden’s legs buckled beneath him. As soon as he hit the mat, my dad was on him, and he didn’t let go until Camden went limp in his arms.