Iwas blindfolded and put in the backseat of a car. There were muffled voices just outside and then, a few minutes later, the front passenger door opened, and someone hopped inside. The car started to move, and I prayed I wouldn’t lose my dinner. The last thing I needed were questions as to why I was sick. I was worried about what would happen if anyone found out I was pregnant. There was obviously a plan for Ethan and me, and I knew that plan didn’t involve my pregnancy. If anything, it made the situation a million times worse.
Pulling in a breath, I let it out slowly.
“How did you sleep?”
My back stiffened at the sound of the voice. It was the guy from last night . . . the one with the blue eyes. Clenching my teeth, I refused to answer.
“All right, I see you don’t want to talk. Maybe you will when you hear that I just got through seeing your boyfriend. That’s where I’m taking you.” There were so many questions, but I couldn’t give in. He was baiting me into something, I knew it. “Don’t worry, beautiful. You’ll soon start to understand what you’re doing here. It’ll all be over soon.”
“And then what, huh?” I snapped, feeling the rage overcome me. Biting my tongue wasn’t a virtue of mine. “Do you let us go? Do you kill us? What? I’m sick and tired of not knowing what the hell is going on.”
“Youwill be fine.”
“What about Ethan?” I fired back. The car went silent for a few seconds.
“Let’s just say that all depends on him.”
I didn’t want to imagine the horrors I would see when we arrived at our destination. My mind raced with all the possibilities. Judging by the videos I watched tonight, anything could happen.
“You do know my family expected me home last night. So with Ethan and me missing, they’re bound to be looking for us.”
“They won’t find you, Peyton. We have too many connections.”
So did my family, but if we were in Louisiana, there was no way they’d know to look for us here. “Let me guess, is Nikolai Michelson one of your connections?” It didn’t hurt to say his name. The thing was, I had to know.
“That’s enough questions,” he said. “We’re almost there.”
A few minutes later, the car came to a stop. The guy got out, and my door opened. The scent of a swamp filled my nose, all pungent and smelling like decaying plants. I didn’t want to get out, and I didn’t like the guy touching me, but I had no choice other than let him take my arm. He made no headway in taking off the blindfold.
“I got you. Just walk,” he commanded.
The path was gravel, and I took it one step at a time. In the distance, I could hear a bunch of voices as if they were inside a building.
“Mr. Fairchild’s waiting for you upstairs,” a voice called out.
The guy’s grip on my arm loosened, and he placed my hand on a rail. “We’re going up. I’ll be right behind you.”
“Why don’t you just take off the blindfold?” I huffed. “It’s not like I have a phone or know where I am so I can tell anyone.”
“All in due time.” We walked up the stairs, and then a door opened.
“Where do you need me?” a deep voice asked.
The guy with me sighed. “Bring Jameson up here.”
Relief washed through me; I was ready to see him. I wanted to make sure he was okay. We walked inside, and the guy removed the blindfold. The space was dimly lit, with chairs lined up by a window that overlooked a large room below. I could hear men fighting, but I couldn’t see them.
Standing by the window was Martin, and there were two guys either side, both dressed in black, one with a shaved head while the other had his brown hair in a man bun. I glanced over my shoulder, and that was when I got my first look at the guy with blue eyes. He was maybe in his late twenties and had sandy blond hair and a muscular build, just like Ethan. His eyes raked down my body, and then he smirked when I scowled at him.
“I don’t think you and my son have had a formal introduction,” Martin called out.
I jerked my attention back to him. “Your son?”
Martin shrugged. “Adopted son. Not many know. I took him in when he was twelve. His name’s Caden. You might want to get used to being around him.”
My heart dropped in my chest. “Why is that?”
Martin’s gaze shifted over to Caden and then back to me. “We’ll get into that later.” He waved for me to take a seat. “Come on. Sit down. We have more to discuss when your boyfriend gets here.” I didn’t want to sit down, but I did so anyway. The chair was too far away for me to see what was going on below the window.