Page 25 of Wanting the Fight

“My mom fell and they think she broke her hip. The ambulance is taking her to the hospital.”

Paxton walked over to her, and they talked amongst themselves. Sighing, Peyton stopped in front of me. “I hope my grandma’s okay. My mom’s been trying to get her to come live here instead of that assisted living place. Maybe when she’s better she’ll change her mind.”

Paxton and Gabriella finished their conversation and joined the rest of us. Gabriella focused on Peyton and sighed. “Your dad and I are getting ready to head to the hospital, but we’ve decided he’ll be the one flying with you to North Carolina tomorrow.”

Peyton hugged her. “That’s fine. I know you need to be with grandma.”

“Wait,” I said before Paxton and Gabriella could walk away. Everyone turned to look at me while Peyton stared curiously. “I can be Peyton’s bodyguard in North Carolina,” I stated, staring right at Paxton and Gabriella.

Paxton smiled but shook his head. “I can’t take you away from your training.”

“You won’t be,” I assured him. “My next fight isn’t until late March. I’ll be sure to get plenty of working out done.” A snicker from Reagan echoed from behind, and even Peyton tried to keep from smiling. I stepped forward and stood beside Peyton but focused on Paxton and Gabriella. “Let me do this. Iwantto. Peyton will be safe with me.”

Paxton and Gabriella shared a look, and then Gabriella turned to Peyton. “It’s up to you, sweetheart. If you want Ethan to be your bodyguard, I’m fine with it. Your father and I trust him.”

Peyton nodded at them. “I do. In fact,” she said, reaching down to take my hand. “There’s something we should probably tell you.”




Our room at the Biltmore House Inn was exquisite. During the day, we had the best views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, but at night, it was only darkness and bright stars. You couldn’t see them in California the way you could here. So, Ethan and I made it a point to sit out on the balcony every night in the cold so that I could look up at the sky.

It’s been a week since Christmas day when I told my parents and brother about my relationship with Ethan. Of course, Braden had some choice words to say, especially since Ethan gave him a hard time when he started dating Reagan. My parents quickly warmed to the idea and were fully supportive, especially my mother and Ethan’s. Their dreams have come true. Although, my dad did tell Ethan that if anything happened to me, he’d kill him.

The patio door of our suite opened, and Ethan came out, holding two glasses of champagne. “Fifteen minutes to go,” he said, setting our drinks down on the small round table between our two chairs.

His breath billowed into the air, accentuating how cold it was. We didn’t have these frigid temps in California. It wasn’t so bad being wrapped up in fuzzy pajama pants, one of Ethan’s hoodies, and a blanket. I wanted to enjoy every minute of the crisp North Carolina mountain air. It was almost midnight, the beginning of a new year. I looked down at the bubbly liquid and smiled.

“Thank you. I feel bad not hanging out with the cast, but I’ve been drained today. I just wanted to relax and bring in the new year alone with you.”

Ethan kissed me and sat down. “Hey, I’m not complaining. I’ve been dying to have you all to myself. Plus, it gets me away from having to see that wanker costar of yours drool all over you. I swear he’s going to nut all over himself when he finally gets to kiss you.”

Which was going to be soon.

We had a week of filming left and on the last day it was going to be the final scene where Robert and I had to kiss. Ethan leaned his head back against the seat and sighed.

“You’re doing good with keeping calm when Robert’s around,” I mused. “I know it pisses you off.”

Ethan turned to look at me, and I could see the lights from inside our room twinkle in his blue eyes. “I want this to work, Peyton. I’ll do anything to be able to be with you.”

Having this week alone with him had been unforgettable, but we spent most of it on set or in our suite. I was afraid to see what would happen if we ventured out of the bubble. That was when things would get complicated. After this week, we’d be back in California, and back to reality.

Wrapping the blanket tighter around me, I curled my legs up, unable to take my eyes away from him. Just having him stare at me warmed me to the core. It made me wonder if he was ever like this with any other woman. He was different from the rest of the guys in our hometown group. My brother was a jokester but was serious when he needed to be. Our cousin, Carter, was as serious as they came. He was the oldest and felt responsible for everyone, but now he was married to Ethan’s twin sister, which I think has softened him up a bit. Ripp and Brooks were twins and Ethan’s best friends and cousins, but they couldn’t be more different. Ripp liked to party, just like Ethan, but his twin brother, Brooks, had his head on straight. He was away on an undercover FBI mission, trying his best to change the world and make it a better place.

“What are you thinking about?” Ethan asked, his voice low and smooth.

I smiled. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I was thinking about the guys and how some of them have changed. Like my brother, Carter, and Brooks.”

Ethan nodded. “They have. And it’s crazy that two of them married my sisters. I never would’ve thought that.” We both laughed; I couldn’t agree with him more.

“Yeah, Braden and Reagan were a shock. Carter and Emma, not so much.”

Carter and Emma were first loves, and even though they had some years apart, I knew they’d get back together eventually. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the sky and let my breath out slowly, watching as it turned to steam the second it hit the cold air.

“Where do you see this new year taking you?” I asked Ethan.