Page 17 of Wanting the Fight

“Why don’t you head to Vegas with me after Christmas,” Ripp suggested. “You haven’t fought at the Labyrinth since you bailed on Seth.”

I picked up my towel and wiped it across my forehead. “I’m not into it right now, man. Besides, Seth Michelson makes plenty of money without us. He hasn’t cared in the least that I haven’t been there.”

All I’ve done the past month is train, eat, sleep, and train. With the holidays here, neither one of us had any professional fights on our schedules. My next one wasn’t until late March.

Ripp hopped out of the ring and took off his gloves. “If you change your mind about Vegas—”

“Not this time,” I cut in. “I’m going to hang around here.”

Ripp nodded and packed up his gym bag. “Are you going to say anything to Peyton tonight?”

Scoffing, I slung my bag over my shoulder. “Like what?”

He shrugged, his expression serious. “I don’t know, maybe that you care about her? You’ve been pissed off ever since she left.” He grabbed his bag and started for the door. “Only you can fix that, brother. Tell her how you feel, or move on.”

As soon as he was gone, I locked up and went out the back to my truck. Ripp had a point. Not telling Peyton how I felt before she left was my mistake. I thought our one-night stand would be enough, but it wasn’t. Ever since then, she’d been all I could think about. I hadn’t slept with a single person since that night.

On the way home, I drove right by Peyton’s apartment complex. Everything had settled down in the past month. All her things had been moved out, and someone else had already moved in. The paparazzi had followed her to North Carolina, which was the only reason I’d been able to see her. Pictures were snapped of her on the movie set, standing in front of the Biltmore House with her male costar. The thought of her kissing another guy pissed me off, but it was her job. She looked happy, and that was all I could ask for.

When I arrived at my Venice home, I parked my truck in the garage beside Peyton’s Audi R8. Her brother used to live with me, but now that he and my sister had their own place, it left me with a lot of space, including an extra spot in the garage. I’d offered to keep it while Peyton was gone.

I walked inside and everywhere I looked were Peyton’s succulent plants. I didn’t see the point in her renting a storage unit for her things, so I offered up my place to her parents. I had no clue if she knew or not, but her brother’s old bedroom was now technically hers.

Once in my room, I tossed my gym bag onto the floor and took off my shirt. It was four-thirty, and the party was going to start at six to give Peyton and Gabriella time to arrive from the airport.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Before I could take off the rest of my clothes, my phone rang. It was still in my gym bag, so I dug it out and saw Reagan’s name on the screen.

“Hey,” I answered.

“Hey. When are you coming to the party? Everyone’s here early.”

I froze.

“Everyone? As in . . .”

She snickered low. “Yes. Peyton just showed up. I think she was a little disappointed she didn’t see you.”

I scoffed. “I doubt that.”

“I know my best friend, Ethan. She might not have said much about you the past few weeks, but I know she’s been thinking about you. I could hear her sadness through the phone. So, if I have to lock you two in a room to get you to talk, I’ll do it.”

“I’m sure we’ll find a way at some point tonight,” I said.

“Good. Now get your ass over here.”

“I’ll be right there.”

After taking a quick shower, I ran a towel through my hair and dressed in a pair of jeans and a light blue T-shirt. I walked past the kitchen but then stopped when I noticed the small, silvery snowflake gift-wrapped box sitting by itself on the counter. Taking a deep breath, I walked over and stared at it. It was for Peyton, but I had no clue if I should give it to her or not.



It was good to be back in California. The time away was exactly what I needed. I’d missed my family and my friends. What made me nervous as hell was seeing Ethan. There were days I wanted to call him, but I never followed through. Filming for the movie kept me plenty busy. I just buried myself in work.

“Oh, Peyton, it’s so good to see you,” Ashleigh shouted, holding out her arms.

Ashleigh Jameson was Ethan’s mother and my mom’s best friend. Ethan had her dark hair, but that was about it. He looked exactly like his father in every other aspect. I hugged Ashleigh and then moved through the crowd to do the same with everyone else. The whole crew was there . . . except for one.Ethan.