Page 4 of Taking the Fight

“Well, you did,” I challenged. “Is it really so bad to stay with me?”

Lifting her head, she glared at me. “I’m not going to answer that.” She grabbed her gym bag and slung it over her shoulder. “Look, I’m grateful you want to protect me, but we all know Nikolai will get to me no matter where I’m at. I’m staying at my apartment, end of story.”

There was no reasoning with her, not when she had her mind set. “Suit yourself,” I pinged back. “But you’re about to be seeing a lot more of me.”

She stormed off and Carter whistled. “I think she’s more hardheaded than Emma.”

I watched Reagan stop at the punching bags and slide on her gloves. She pounded on the bag harder than I’d ever seen her do before. “Got that right. She does have a point, though. Nikolai’s smart. If he wants to get her, he will, even if she stays with me or not.”

Carter grumbled with annoyance. “Yeah, I know. But we can at least make it harder for him.”

“That’s for damn sure,” I agreed. “I know what I have to do.” Reagan continued to beat the punching bag, her eyes blazing like fire. I could only imagine what Nikolai wanted from her, and I was going to make sure he didn’t get it.



The longer I sat and thought about the deal with Nikolai, the more I realized how screwed I was. I knew precisely what Braden would do when I told him. Yeah, I made it clear I wasn’t going to stay with him, but that wasn’t what I wanted, in all honesty. There were so many times I wanted to find a way to be alone with Braden, but it never worked out, especially with people always around. My dad was my fighting coach, and Braden’s father was his. My brother and Ripp also trained with us. There was never a situation where Braden and I could be alone until today.

I knew he'd see right through me if I agreed to stay with him. I couldn’t let that happen. Did the thought of living with him make my stomach jittery? Very much so. Was I attracted to Braden? As much as I hated it, the answer was yes.

While watching him spar with Carter, I had to squeeze my legs together; it drove me insane how much I hated Braden for making me want him. Not only was he sexy as hell with his tattooed arms and tanned skin, but his eyes were a rare hypnotic green. I’ve never seen anyone with the same color eyes as his.

Dammit! Stop looking at him, Reagan!

There was something seriously wrong with me. I’d made my decision and couldn’t back out of it, even if I wanted to. I didn’t trust myself being alone with Braden in his house. It was one thing being at the gym, but it was quite another to be in his domain. One of the things that kept me safe from him was the fact my brother was always around. He wasn’t here to tell Braden to back off with him in Vegas. The thought excited me.

“Earth to Reagan. Hello?” Natalie snapped her fingers in front of my face as she walked past me to sit down at her desk.

“Sorry,” I said, jerking my eyes away from Braden. “What’s up?”

Giggling, Natalie tucked her strawberry-blonde hair behind her ears and typed away on the computer. “We both know you weren’t staring at Carter. He’s taken by your sister.”

With a roll of my eyes, I dismissed her accusation with a wave of my hand. “Please. I have better things to do than stare at Braden Emerson.”

Natalie snorted. “Whatever you say. But as I was telling you when you were rudely ignoring me, your dad and uncle’s schedules are jam-packed when they return from vacation. With Carter, Braden, Ethan, Ripp, and you all holding titles, it’s made the business boom even more. I thought you might want to start training some of the females.”

Her words made me smile. I’d just thought the same thing this morning. “I might have to do that,” I agreed.

I didn’t have to see Braden to know he was right behind me. I could always tell when he was near; it was like an electric shock would pass through my veins.

“Reagan, you ready?” he asked.

Natalie winked at me, and I glared at her. “Ready for what?” I made sure he could hear the annoyance in my tone.

When I turned around, Braden smiled and flipped his ball cap backward. “I’m following you home. I told you that you’d be seeing a lot more of me.”

“Great,” I grumbled, “just what I wanted … you up my ass.”

Braden smirked. “Not my thing, sunshine, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

“You’re ridiculous.” My gaze locked on his backward hat. “You look stupid, by the way.”

Braden’s eyes twinkled. “You’re the only one who’s complained.”

“Whoa,” Natalie called out, her focus locked on the computer screen. She waved for Braden to join her, “Braden, come here. You have to see this.”

He moved behind the desk, his eyes narrowed at the computer. Natalie motioned for me to join them, so I did, as I was curious to see what had her so excited. “Okay, what’s so important?” I asked.