Page 72 of Habit

I get up from his lap and snap my phone back into the tripod and flip on the light, returning to his lap and swinging my arms around his neck. I hold the remote in my right palm, then look James in the eyes.

“Tell me when you’re ready,” I say.

“One minute. I want to look at you first, all on my own,” he says. I blush in an instant, but I let him look, his gaze taking time on every inch of my face. I start to giggle, and when I move to tuck my face against his chest, he lifts my chin with the tip of his finger until our eyes meet again.

“I’m done. Just wanted to remind you of something,” he says.

My eyes haze.

“And what is that?” I question.

His focus dips to my mouth and his tongue peeks from his lips before he bites the tip and smiles, his gaze popping back up.

“The only attention I want you to need is mine,” he says.

My mouth spreads into a wide smile and I give him the only answer left.

“It is.”

And then we both smile for the camera, and there’s nothing fake about it.