Page 71 of Habit

My followers doubled within a week. I crossed two and a half million last week, and the numbers continue to grow. I partnered with a mental health hotline, recruiting volunteers and volunteering time myself. There’s something soothing about talking to someone who sounds like you, your contemporary. I wanted young voices for young people who were feeling boxed in and afraid.

When James says he’s proud, I know what he means. He’s proud of all of it—every piece of me that I’ve become. I feel the same way about him. And seeing him sign his commitment to play football for Penn today was a dream.

“I got you a little something, by the way. I thought maybe you could open it now before we meet your parents for dinner.” His mom made a special meal, and making them wait to eat is a big deal in James’s house.

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says, but I can tell by the way he’s holding his hands out that he wants it.

I hop down from his lap and move to my desk drawer to pull out the envelope and the box. I hold them both to my chest and bunch my lips.

“Hmm, I think maybe this one first,” I say, handing him the envelope that is hisactualgift.

He gives me a sideways glance, suspicious, and probably for good reason. We’ve always been playful with one another, quick to tease, and each of us giving as good as we get. It’s unlike any relationship I’ve ever had—family, friend or romantic. I think it’s the same for him.

“Okay, but if something pops out at me,” he warns.

I hold my breath as he tears open the yellow manila envelope. He reaches in, sitting back and holding the envelope away from his body as if something might truly leap out at him. Eventually, he slides the paper out and begins to read. I can tell by the way his eyes widen that he’s gotten to the meat.


“I know,” I say, a proud smile resting on my lips.

“I can’t,” he says, clearly not handing the lease document back to me. He can. He will. He must.

“It was mostly Braden getting it done. It’s his building project. But that storefront is there for you when you’re ready. And the lease is locked. You’ll be grandfathered in at the current rate—forever.”

“Morgan,” he croaks. His eyes are glassy, and he reaches his hand out, calling me to him. I fall into his lap and hug him tight as he continues to look at the lease over my shoulder. I brought the idea to Braden, and he loved it. My brother is into mixed-use developments, and he talked my father into making a division of the business just for him. He revitalizes old properties then fills them with things that the community needs. This particular project is near the docks where James took me to watch the cranes move items from train to boat. It felt like kismet.

“Thank you,” he says, pulling back and kissing me. His body is trembling, and I don’t want him falling apart on me now—not before dinner. I change the subject with present number two.

“You have one more gift,” I announce, pushing up from his lap.

“Oh, God,” he jokes. I smile to myself because this time, he should probably be prepared.

“Now,thisone is going to make the lease seem like nothing. I can almost guarantee that this will be the most favorite, best present you have ever been given.”

I hand the garment box to him with a flourish, as if he’s won a prize on a game show. Again, he leans back, timid, and unsure what I’m up to. I cross my heart.

“Nothing will leap out. I swear.” I bite my thumbnail in anticipation as he pulls the lid away.

It falls to the floor as his head falls back and he howls with laughter. In the box, in all of its now framed glory, is the motivational poster to end all motivational posters.

“Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it,” I say, reading those incredibly corny yet powerful words to him out loud.

“I love it,” he says.

I take it from the box and hold it up, imagining it on a wall.

“I feel like this definitely needs to be in Delgado’s one day,” I say, squinting an eye.

“Oh, it will be,” James says. I turn to check his expression, and he holds his mouth in a serious line for a few seconds before continuing. “In the bathroom!”

I set the poster on my desk and leap at him, letting him catch me as I straddle his lap and kiss my way up his neck and jaw until I’m suckling his fat bottom lip. I will never get tired of kissing him. But I did promise my viewers a live, and we are due for dinner soon.

“Gah!” I push back.

He tilts his head and puts on pouty lips because I broke our kiss.

“I promised we’d do a quick live. It won’t take long. And then we can go to dinner, I swear. I need to keep people’s attention, though. Especially if I want to make this work.”