Page 64 of Habit

I’m smiling over more than getting laid, however. It’s a different kind of happiness. It’s a complete sort of feeling that I have with her. I insisted my parents have her over for dinner the night after we . . .made up.And by the end of the meal, she had my father in stitches with her quick wit and charm. I think he might also be a little afraid of her, which my mother likes.

The unthinkable happened too. My father uttered the wordsI’m sorryin earnest. Morgan had every right to drag that moment out, but I think the entire history of it embarrassed her. Her image is a source of conflict. It breaks me because she’s such a special person. But she’s been so inundated by criticism and assumptions and judgement, She’s lost sight of the good that can come from the power she wields.

Morgan makes people fall in love with her.

My parents were taken with her enough that they didn’t question me being out late after. And I was glad I made an extra key for Theo’s stupid party lair. Seeing Morgan spread out on that desk in our secret office was a whole other level of fantasy for me. Still, though, I like it best when she’s in my bed. I imagine her being there in the morning, and when I wake up throughout the night. I could get used to seeing her always. Everywhere.

It's been two days now since I’ve seen her. She spent yesterday with Cameron and Brooklyn, and I haven’t asked her for details. Brooklyn is important to her, and they needed some time together. I’m not sure why Cameron got to be there but I didn’t, but I’ll question that later. For now, I’m glad to know she feels she’s earned back a friendship. She texted me about it some, and I know she’ll open up more.

I get to be her person, and I like that. She’s mine. I would tell her anything now. Trust her with anything.

We have a big game this week. The one from this weekend was a tougher win than it needed to be. Two weeks in a row of having a player kicked out is not the record we want to set, First Theo then Cameron. I wonder if I’m next on the list, only if I get booted, Toby gets to run things on his own. I’d fight the refs bloody to keep that from happening. Probably would not be very effective given they’re the governing body that can eject me, but still . . . rationality would go out the window if it looked like Toby was going to take over QB1 alone.

He got zero time Saturday, and I know it’s because the game was close. I also know how that looks for me and my dad to the people pushing from the other side. I’ve already heard the whispers about a few meetings with the league chair. Private schools aren’t like public; the governing boards for athletics are made up of people just like the ones who don’t really want me starting in Toby’s place. If this becomes a case that has to be settled in front of them, my chances are slim. My only hope is enough people realize how close that game was Saturday and they consider the fact the only score was a passing play from me to Theo. Toby’s running game would have been clobbered by those guys.

“You’re throwing the ball pretty good today for a total princess,” Theo teases me as he shoves the ball back in my chest before lining up to go out for another deep pass. I chuckle and remind him that he’s a princess too. We decided we are definitely not kings because Lily and Morgan completely own us.

I toss the ball to Jake, whom I’ve noticed is not speaking to Toby at all lately. He’s an important convert forTeam James. I can’t do this well without a good center.

He snaps the ball and I drop back, then sprint to the sideline before zipping the ball into the end zone where Theo hangs on for a touchdown. Or whatwillbe a touchdown on Saturday.

The whistle blares, and we all jog in.

“All right, get some recovery time in today guys. I’ve gotta cut short. Coaching staff has a meeting,” my dad says, his eyes meeting mine with a warning-type look.

My stomach tightens and I force myself not to look in Toby’s direction. I don’t want to confirm any suspicions. I’m too happy not knowing, and I’d rather not ruin it. Besides, Morgan has been pacing at the top of the hill for the last thirty minutes and I’m dying to race up there and carry her off to a dark corner somewhere. She’s dressed in this cute short dress with her knee-high leather boots on, her hair pulled up into a tight ponytail that I kind of want to wrap around my hand and hold while I torture her body a little.

I put that thought to the side long enough to count down for our break for practice, then I help the field crew clean up and load the cart with our water and discarded cups. I notice Toby jogs right to the locker room, and I can’t help but think what a lousy leader he is.

Lingering behind the rest of the guys, I peel off when I reach the top of the hill. I’m tempted to race toward Morgan, but I don’t want anyone calling me out for not sticking with the team, even though I did help everyone with the work. Instead, I saunter toward her as she does the same in my direction. I don’t see the strain in her expression until we’re about ten feet apart.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I say in a hushed tone, reaching a hand toward her.

Her lip puffs out and her forehead crinkles with stress and sadness. I run my thumb across the tiny divots then cup the back of her head and bring it toward me to kiss her forehead.

“Is it your dad? Did you see him?” She’s been working herself up to make a visit. Last she told me, he was talking and doing well, looking to move to rehab at the end of this week.

She shakes her head.

“I have to tell you something, and this is hard, and I’m maybe afraid of what will happen. So, I need you to just let me get this out, okay?” She’s clutching her phone to her chest, which I can’t deny doesn’t set me on edge. I nod slowly anyhow.

“I promise,” I say. I’ll keep that promise, but I might get sick while I’m waiting.

Morgan hands me her phone. I turn it for landscape view as I take in the photo on the screen. It must be the image Toby threatened me he had—a clear view of my dad’s truck and Morgan in the passenger seat. I told her about his threat after we made up, and she blew it off, assuming Toby was probably talking out of his ass. So what if he wasn’t. He can’t threaten me or my dad. I shake my head and hand her the phone.

“It’s fine. My dad won’t let him get away with trying to say there was something between you two—”

“James, it’s video,” Morgan says, shoving the phone back in my face.

I hit play, noticing the movement inside the truck. I zoom in, easily recognizing the two of us. I drag my finger on the timeline to watch it again. We kiss in the truck and again when we get out. It’s disturbing, especially when we thought we were alone, but still . . . who cares? I’ll kiss her in the middle of a school assembly. I don’t care what people want to make up and say.

“It’s creepy for sure, but if he wants tapes of you and me kissing, I say we make him a whole damn library,” I say.

Morgan takes her phone back and levels me with a hard stare.

“It’s time stamped. And they’ll pull the real tape. James, we were off campus way after hours. I’m sure you can see the truck leave and come back. And while that might not sound like a big deal, it is since the car crash. The closed campus after midnight is a hard rule. I’m not sure me or Theo could get out of being caught without some serious consequences. But you . . . you’ll be—”

“Expelled,” I finish.