Page 100 of The Forbidden Mate

Part of me wanted to thank him, but the other part still felt like this was too good to be true. I’d nearly resigned myself to the idea of having to let the love of my life go. For the first time, hope sparked. Perhaps there really was a way out of this—one that would work in everyone's interests.

* * *

The whole way home,an idea had begun taking shape in my mind, but I had to run it by Holden first. He’d said he’d support me in whatever I chose, but would he really support me in this? What I was getting ready to suggest was unprecedented. But then again, hadn’t that been the hallmark of our leadership from day one?

I knocked on the door, tapping my foot impatiently. After what felt like forever, the door swung open. Kayden was wearing a robe, and from the sleepy look on her face, I’d likely dragged her from bed.

“Twice in one day? And at odd hours, too…”

“I’m so sorry, Kayden. I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I have to speak with Holden. It’s urgent.”

To my surprise, she smiled brightly, giving me another knowing look like she had this morning. “It’s perfectly fine. In fact, I’m so glad you’re here.” She turned, calling out, “Holden, Garrett’s here.”

Then she gestured toward the terrace. “He’s already waiting for you outside.”

I drew my brows together. “Wait, he’s expecting me?”

Kayden nodded. “We both were.”

That meant that somehow, they knew. And were on my side. I paused then grinned. “Will you please tell Jessica to prepare for the proposal ceremony? I’m bumping it up to tomorrow.”

“I’m on it.” And with that, Kayden gave me a wink then waltzed out the door.

I strode through their private quarters and onto the terrace where the four of us had first discussed the Contention all those weeks ago. It was fitting that I was presenting my new plan to Holden in the exact same place.

Holden was standing at the railing with a glass of whiskey in his hand, looking out at the clear night sky.

“How did it go?” he asked without turning around.

“I had a very interesting conversation with Markus.”

Holden turned at that, arching a brow.

I moved to the outdoor bar, poured myself a finger of whiskey, and then joined Holden at the railing.

“Don’t leave me in suspense.”

I chuckled, feeling lighter than I had in so very long. “All he cares about is Reagan having an influential position on the council. He doesn’t actually want her to be mated to me.”

Holden stared, clearly as shocked as I was when I first heard Markus say it. “What’s he asking for?”

I nodded, glad he already saw where this was going. “Not just any council position, but a position that’s equal in power to what Reagan would have if I were to choose her as a mate.”

He narrowed his eyes. “What else?”

He didn’t trust Markus—neither had I until this evening. We hadn’t gotten to where we were by being stupid, but I truly believed Markus meant what he said tonight.

“That’s it. He said…” I took a breath. It was time to come clean. “He said he knew I was in love with Jessica, and he didn’t want his daughter to be mated to someone who loved another woman.”

I waited for the shock, the anger, the disbelief. But it never came. Instead, Holden just watched me closely, as if he weren’t surprised at all. They really had known, but for how long?

“You were really willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, weren’t you?” he finally said.

I clenched my jaw and nodded. “For the pack, I’d do anything.”

Holden nodded, reaching out and resting a hand on my shoulder. “I know. You were ready to do something I wouldn’t have been able to do myself… something Ididn'tdo.”

He meant choosing Kayden, when it had been strictly forbidden.