Page 82 of The Forbidden Mate

Holden nodded. “That’s what I was thinking. You want to take the lead?”

“Obviously.” I gave him a look and did a mental fist pump. It would be good to be back in the game. A much needed distraction from this never-ending Contention. “I can have us ready to go in under an hour.”

“Okay, great. I’m going to check in with Kayden. You do your thing, and I’ll meet you on the tarmac.”

The next thirty minutes flew by as I made a game plan to get us out to the Central Pacific pack headquarters, let Amelia know we’d be there today, and assigned roles to the enforcers and soldiers who’d remained in Holden’s office. A rush of adrenaline flooded my veins, exhilaration at being on the job again. It had been far too long, and I was anxious to get back at it full force.

Soon, I told myself. Soon the Contention would be over, and I could get back to my regular life. I’d be taking Reagan’s offer, and hopefully, figure out a way to continue exploring this thing with Jess.

We made it to Amelia’s pack lands a few hours later, convening in her office with a team of her own enforcers, as well as the two young women who’d been attacked.

Their bodies were battered and bruised, some wounds bad enough to require stitches. I fought to keep my temper on a short leash as Amelia detailed what had happened in the middle of the night.

“They told the girls they wouldn’t tolerate going against the natural order of things.” Amelia’s gray eyes blazed. “That they would dismantle our pack and put a man who knew what he was doing in charge. They repeatedly stated that men were designed to be alphas, and women weren’t cut out to hold the position.”

Amelia was keeping her own temper at bay, but just barely. The rage and frustration was clear on her face and in how she gripped the edge of her desk, white-knuckled.

“We have to figure out who is behind this.” I glanced at the two girls, who looked absolutely terrified. But they knew more than anyone here. “Could you describe your attackers for me? As much as you can possibly remember.”

The physical descriptors they provided weren’t much to go on, but the information could come in handy later on. We’d be investigating this thoroughly.

After the meeting, I pulled Holden aside. “Walk with me for a minute?”

We made our way toward the shore, the sound of crashing waves drowning out our conversation to anyone who would be listening in.

“What are you thinking?” Holden asked me.

I grinned. “First of all, can I say how good it feels to be working again? I don’t think I can handle giving it up any longer.”

Holden chuckled. “You’re almost there. Just a little longer.”

“Yes, but this takes priority. This is more than a little attack we have on our hands. This could be the beginning of something much bigger. More than a few random shifters are opposed to a female alpha.” We’d seen that all too well on that fateful night when Jess first suggested the Contention.

“I agree. This is one of the many things we’ll have to overcome. It’s not going to be an easy road ahead of us, Garrett.”

Staring out at the Pacific Ocean, I contemplated just how much work was ahead of us. Holden and I had discussed our desire for change in-depth since he’d taken up the role of North American Alpha. Things were already in motion, and I was certain they would only become more difficult in the months ahead.

“I know you’re needed at home…” I told him “… but I’d like to stay behind and put some extra security in place, as well as put a team together to track down the attackers. I understand your position of not being too heavy-handed with the packs, but we can’t risk something happening to Amelia. What kind of message would that send? I can make sure another attack doesn’t happen until we’ve made more progress with the packs who are more resistant.”

Holden shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, but you can’t stay. You need to come back with me and finish the Contention. You’re so close to the end. The sooner we have more council members publicly back us, the better position we’ll be in.”

I growled in frustration, even though I knew he was right. Reagan would be a huge asset here. Her father was one of our biggest dissenters, and while it wasn’t likely that he was behind this attack, having him on board with our changes would send a message to those who weren’t.

“How about Ryker, then?” I suggested. “The soldiers seem to respect and listen to him well enough.” Even if I didn’t like to admit it. “He could stay behind and enact my plans in my absence.”

“Possibly…” Holden angled his head and followed my gaze out to sea as he considered my idea.

“What matters is we make sure no one else gets hurt. Ryker can handle that, can’t he?”

Holden nodded. “We’ll put some things in motion then leave tomorrow. A team can stay behind.”

We spent the rest of the day searching for clues, attempting to track down the attackers and question anyone who might have seen something, but in the end, we came up empty-handed. Whoever had done this had been smart enough not to leave any trace behind.

Holden ended up insisting Ryker return with us the next day, saying his work back on the estate was more important. I did leave some of our soldiers with Amelia, though, as added security.

“Stay in contact with me daily,” I told her as we were getting ready to leave. “I’m here, any time day or night, if something comes up. We can be here in a matter of hours.”

“Thanks, Garrett.” She looked tired and weary, much more so than when she’d been while staying on the estate.